Third Coast Rules
by Phil Simborg, 2001
- NO GAMBLING. Backgammon is fun for the entire family. We are here for comraderie and intellektual stimulation.
- POOR SPORTSMANSHIP including calling your opponent's bad numbers; throwing the cups or dice: threatening violence; insulting one's family, speech, looks or I.Q.; and general poor sportsmanship, WILL NOT BE TOLERATED until after the dice are picked up.
- WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE. You may speak German, Armenian, Turkish, Yiddishbut FRENCH WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
- CHEATING. Anyone found cheating or acting unethical in any way WILL BE BARRED FROM THE GAME for one round.
- CRY ABOUT YOUR ROLLS SOMEWHERE ELSE. Everyone thinks they roll bad. If you want sympathy, get a dog.
- NO EXCESSIVE THINKING. It won't help anywayif you were so smart, you wouldn't be hereso don't waste everyone's time.
- DRESS CODE STRICTLY ENFORCED. If you wear a dress, it must be a short one.
- REMEMBER: Tip your waiter well ... he'd rather be somewhere and someone else too!

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