Backgammon Books

The Seven Popular Games of Backgammon
A detailed analysis of the most challenging and interesting games of backgammon

Nicholas Frantzis |
1979 |
Exposition Press, Inc. |
Hicksville, NY |
0-682-49295-7 |
Hardcover |
136 |
21 cm high, 14 cm wide |
1. KtipitoThe American Backgammon
2. PlakotoThe European-Middle East Backgammon
3. The GameThe Never Finishing Game
4. GioulThe Plakoto Express Game
5. MoultezimMiddle East Game
6. The Acey-Deucy Game
7. The Blocking Express Game
Here is a valuable manual on backgammon for the novice as well as the professionalfor those who play for diversion as well as for money; for those who play for the thrill of a challenge as well as to test their intellectual acumen.
In his book, Nicholas Frantzis has thoroughly outlined and diagrammed the various games of backgammonmany of which have never before been presented to the reading public. Using the premise, "any dice is a good dice," Frantzis critically and skillfully analyzes the rules and suggested movements for each game, showing how a player can use any given throw to his greatest advantage. His precision of style and format transcends any encombrances to understanding the different stages and plays of the various backgammon games. His penchant for didactics makes the book both instructive and enlightening, for, by putting Mr. Frantzis's teachings into practice, anyone can become a master of the game.
Mr. Nicholas Frantzis, a graduate of the University of Athens, Boston University, and Northeastern University, holds a master's degree in both physics and mathematics. Born in Greece in 1934, he learned to play backgammon at the age of six. As a professional player, who believes that backgammon can be used as a mind sharpener and skill developer as well as a measure of one's intelligence and alertness, he has participated in and won several group tournaments.
Mr. Frantzis presently resides in Miami, Florida, with his wife, Mary. He is the originator of a challenging and sophisticated game of backgammon which he has named "The Game" or "The Never Finishing Game." Later, his associates renamed the game in his honor, calling it "The N. F. Game" or "The Nicholas Frantzis Game." Mr. Frantzis hopes that this game will be used in national and international backgammon tournaments.