Replies to the Opening Move
By Tom Keith
When your opponent wins the opening roll, there are fifteen possible rolls. Those fifteen rolls can be played in perhaps a total 33 reasonable ways. Now you can roll 21 different numbers in reply. That makes a total of 33 × 21 = 693 different positions you might encounter when it is your turn if you happen to lose the opening roll.
That may seem like a lot, but consider this. One of these positions will come up every other game you play. So it is worthwhile taking some time to learn how to play them.
This article has three sections:

Match Play Considerations
In matches, the correct play often depends on the score. At some match scores, the value of a gammon for one side is quite different than for the other side.
For example, suppose you are four points from victory playing an opponent who is just two points from victory. And let's say your opponent owns the cube at 2. Winning a gammon in this situation is very valuable for you because it also wins the match. But losing a gammon costs no more than losing the game because you lose the match either way.
This situation is called gammon-go because you really go for a gammon. The reverse situation is called gammon-save. Checker play in these lopsided gammon situations can be quite different than when playing at an even score or when playing for money.
Gammon-go calls for very aggressive play:
1. Bring builders into play quickly; splitting is less important.
2. Hitting is very important.
3. Make home-board points as fast as you can.
At gammon-save, you should play very defensively.
1. Make an advanced anchor at your first opportunity.
2. Split your back checkers, if you can do so safely, with the idea of making an advanced anchor next turn.

Rollouts of Replies
In this section, we present the results of computer rollouts. A rollout determines the best way to play a roll by simulating the game on computer. Whichever play wins more games is deemed to be correct according to the rollout. As long as you play enough games, the luck of the dice plays only a small part in determining the winning play in a rollout. You can find more information here on the rollout settings used.
The rollouts are arranged according to the opening roll. Find your opponent's opening roll in the chart below. Since many openings can be played in more than one way, you must then find the actual play that your opponent made. Click on that play and you are taken to a page with rollouts of all 21 reply rolls.
Opening Roll |
Opening Play |
24/23, 13/11
13/11, 6/5
8/5, 6/5
24/21, 13/11
13/11, 13/10
24/23, 13/9
24/20, 6/5
13/9, 6/5
8/4, 6/4 |
24/21, 24/20
24/21, 13/9
24/20, 13/10
13/10, 13/9
24/23, 13/8
13/8, 6/5
24/22, 13/8
13/11, 13/8
13/8, 6/4
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