4.1 Random rolls. Dice are strictly a means of obtaining random numbers; any other use violates the rules and the spirit of backgammon. A legal roll consists of shaking the dice vigorously in a dice cup and then simultaneously tossing them out at a discernible height above the playing surface, allowing them to bounce and roll freely. Between turns the dice shall remain in the dice cup with the cup kept in plain view.
4.2 Valid rolls. Both dice must leave the cup before either die contacts the board; otherwise they must be rerolled. Both dice must come to rest flat on the playing surface to the right of the bar; otherwise they are cocked and must be rerolled. In the event of dispute, a player who rerolls prior to receiving acknowledgment from his opponent that the dice are cocked will be at a disadvantage. Alternatively, players may roll legally by casting both dice simultaneously through a baffle box.
4.3 Moving. A player shall move the checkers in an unambiguous manner, using only one hand. Checkers must be reentered from the bar before moving any other checker. A player shall not touch any checkers or dice during the opponent’s turn.
4.4 Checker handling. Checkers which have been hit must be kept on the bar pending reentry. Checkers which have been borne off must be kept off the entire playing surface for the rest of the game. A player with a checker illegally removed from play may still be gammoned or backgammoned.
4.5 Lifting dice. A player concludes his turn by lifting either or both of his dice. He may reposition the dice on the playing surface to facilitate moving the checkers, but in the event of a dispute he will be at a disadvantage if he fails to give notice to the opponent before doing so.
4.6 Premature actions. All premature actions (dice rolls or cube actions) shall stand if otherwise valid. An opponent who has yet to complete his turn or act upon the cube may then do so with foreknowledge of the premature action.
4.7 Error in setup. An incorrect starting position must be corrected prior to the fifth roll of the game. Thereafter the existing setup becomes official. Players starting with less than 15 checkers in play may still be gammoned or backgammoned.
4.8 Illegal plays. A player may condone his opponent’s illegal play by rolling his dice or turning the cube. Otherwise, he must require the opponent to replay the entire roll legally.
4.9 Completion. Each game must be rolled to completion unless ended by passing a double or redouble, or conceding a no-contact position as a single game, gammon, or backgammon loss. No individual game or match may be canceled, replayed, or settled. Players are responsible for playing to the posted match length. The first player to reach the posted match length is the winner.
4.10 Reporting results. The match result shall be reported to a Tournament official by the winner. The official shall verify and post the result on the draw sheet. The director may correct a wrongly-posted result and should do so in a timely manner fair to all.