
Master's Panel 2—Updated

From Backgammon Times, Volume 2, Number 4, Fall 1982.

Series Contents

  •  Master's Panel Updated #1
  •  Master's Panel Updated #2  
  •  Master's Panel Updated #3
  •  Master's Panel Updated #4
Mike Senkiewicz recently discovered some old issues of Backgammon News, a newsletter published by Prince Alexis Obolensky's World Backgammon Club in the early 1970s. In each issue Obolensky ran a Master's Panel where several leading players tackled a series of interesting problems.

With Backgammon News Editor Joe Pasternack's permission, we have reprinted a set of Master's Panel problems along with the answers of the old Masters. To make things interesting we have put the problems to a panel of current Masters hand-picked by Senkiewicz.

This is the second of the series. See how you handle the positions and see if the Masters agree.

*   *   *

Problem 1

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
White to play 2-1.

Old Masters

Walter Cooke 8/5.
Louis Deyong White shoots himself.
Joseph Dwek 8/5.
Porter Ijams 8/5.
Oswald Jacoby 8/5.
Paul Magriel 13/10.
Alexis Obolensky 13/10.
Stan Tomchin 8/5.
Tobias Stone 8/5.

New Masters

Sandy Lubetkin Mandatory to leave blot "4" away. Since there are many immediate shots, I see no reason to slot 5 point.
Lee Genud 8/5.
Kent Goulding 13/10. Getting hit is very bad for White. He still keeps some contact with 13/10, but is less likely to be hit himself.

*   *   *

Problem 2

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
White to play 4-1.

Old Masters

Walter Cooke Hit Black on 3 and 2.
Louis Deyong Hit Black on 3 and 2.
Joseph Dwek Hit Black on 3 and 2.
Porter Ijams Hit Black on 3 and 2.
Oswald Jacoby Break White's nine point.
Paul Magriel Break White's nine point.
Alexis Obolensky Break White's nine point.
Stan Tomchin Break White's nine point.
Tobias Stone Hit Black on 3 and 2.

New Masters

Sandy Lubetkin Break 9 point. Hitting two is a close alternative.
Lee Genud Three point.
Kent Goulding 4/3*, 5/1. I have a prime and would like to keep it. If Black fans, I can roll the prime forward. If Black enters and hits, I may stay out. When all else fails, I'll break the 9 point.

*   *   *

Problem 3

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
White to play 6-2.

Old Masters

Walter Cooke 24/18, 7/5.
Louis Deyong 24/18, 7/5.
Joseph Dwek Hit Black's blot.
Porter Ijams Hit Black's blot.
Oswald Jacoby 24/18, 7/5.
Paul Magriel 24/18, 7/5.
Alexis Obolensky 24/18, 7/5.
Stan Tomchin 24/18, 7/5.
Tobias Stone 24/18, 7/5.

New Masters

Sandy Lubetkin 24/18, 7/5. Too many returns on outfield hit.
Lee Genud 24/18, 7/5.
Kent Goulding 24/18, 7/5. Dwek has to be kidding. The play isn't close.

*   *   *

Problem 4

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
White to play 6-5.

Old Masters

Walter Cooke Leap.
Louis Deyong Make 4-point.
Joseph Dwek Make 4-point.
Porter Ijams Leap.
Oswald Jacoby Leap.
Paul Magriel Flee.
Alexis Obolensky Run to safety.
Stan Tomchin Run to safety.
Tobias Stone Run to safety.

New Masters

Sandy Lubetkin Run. Too stripped if 4-point is made.
Lee Genud Run 24/13.
Kent Goulding 24/13. Running may not be so easy later, while building a point next turn should be hard to avoid.

*   *   *

Problem 5

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
White to play 1-1.

Old Masters

Walter Cooke Bar/24, bar/23, 16/15*.
Louis Deyong Bar/24, bar/23, 16/15*.
Joseph Dwek Bar/24(2), 6/5(2)*.
Porter Ijams Bar/24(2), 6/5(2)*.
Oswald Jacoby Bar/24(2), 6/5(2)*.
Paul Magriel Bar/24(2), 16/15*, 6/5*.
Alexis Obolensky Bar/24(2), 6/5(2)*.
Stan Tomchin Bar/24(2), 6/5(2)*.
Tobias Stone Bar/24(2), 11/10*, 6/5*.

New Masters

Sandy Lubetkin Bar/24(2), 11/10*, 6/5*. Time for a big play. Hitting on 10 gives: (a) more builders or return hits on 5 point, (b) greater likelihood of winning prime vs. prime.
Lee Genud Bar/24(2), 6/5(2)*.
Kent Goulding Bar/24(2), 11/10*, 6/5*. This clearly gives the best winning chances. Worried about getting gammoned? White will be in gammon danger regardless of the play he makes.

*   *   *

Problem 6

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Black to play 6-6.

Old Masters

Walter Cooke 13/7(2), 21/15(2).
Louis Deyong 13/7(2), 21/15(2).
Joseph Dwek 13/7(2), 21/15(2).
Porter Ijams 13/7(2), 21/15(2).
Oswald Jacoby 13/7(2), 21/15(2).
Paul Magriel 13/7(2), 21/15(2).
Alexis Obolensky 13/7(2), 21/15(2).
Stan Tomchin 13/7(2), 21/15(2).
Tobias Stone 21/9(2).

New Masters

Sandy Lubetkin 13/7(2), 21/15(2).
Lee Genud 21/9(2).
Kent Goulding 21/9(2). This looks less stripped and easier to bring home.

*   *   *

Problem 7

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Black to play 6-3.

Old Masters

Walter Cooke 24/21, 13/7*.
Louis Deyong Make five point.
Joseph Dwek 24/21, 13/7*.
Porter Ijams Make five point.
Oswald Jacoby 24/21, 13/7*.
Paul Magriel 24/21, 13/7*.
Alexis Obolensky 24/21, 13/7*.
Stan Tomchin 24/21, 13/7*.
Tobias Stone 24/21, 13/7*.

New Masters

Sandy Lubetkin 24/21, 13/7*. By far most likely to give Black a solid edge in the game.
Lee Genud 24/21, 13/7*.
Kent Goulding 24/21, 13/7*. Hitting is less dangerous than normal because fives hit back instead of sixes. Also, the advanced anchor on the 21-point is quite valuable.

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Continue to Master's Panel Updated #3.

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