Positions that Blue has a single direct shot are listed. Blue is on roll in all positions shown in this page.Each dice table marks dice numbers that hit with either
is used when each die number can hit Yellow's blot checker without help of the other. For example, any dice rolls containing 6 can hit a checker on a point 6 pips away, and are marked with this black box.
is used when combination of both dice numbers are required to hit Yellow's blot checker. For example, dice rolls like 4 and 2 can hit a checker on a point 6 pips away by using both numbers, and are marked with this pink box.
6 pips away
17 numbers 5 pips away
15 numbers 4 pips away
15 numbers 4 pips away with blocked points
13 numbers 3 pips away
14 numbers 2 pips away
12 numbers 1 pip away
11 numbers