Position 46, page 75
From Backgammon, the Cruelest Game, by Barclay Cooke and Jon Bradshaw

Black to play 5-1.

After 5/off, if black moves his 1 from his 5 point to his 4 point, subsequent rolls of double 4’s or a 5-4 will leave a single shot (blot), and the horror roll of 6-5 will leave a double shot.

If, however, black moves his 1 from his 3 point to his 2 point, he has broken the cardinal rule of keeping his high men even and has made himself vulnerable to the potentially disastrous rolls of 6-5, 5-4, 5-3, 5-1, and double 6’s, or four extra single shots, but no double shots.

Which is correct? Against White’s prime we would move down from the 5 to the 4 point, risking a double shot.

5/off, 5/4
XG logo
Tom Keith 2013 
Money play
White owns 2-cube
Black rolls 5-1

1296 games with VR
Checker play: 3-ply
Cube play: XG Roller

5-1: Game BG   Equity
1 5/4, 5/off W
+1.0079 x  *
2 5/off, 3/2 W
+0.8254 (0.1825) 

Previous Position
No. 44, page 62
Next Position
No. 46a, page 75

List of Positions from Backgammon, the Cruelest Game

Backgammon, the Cruelest Game (1974), by Barclay Cooke and Jon Bradshaw

Backgammon Galore : Books