“Three Great Games”
Rollout of Game 2, Position 16a
From Backgammon: the Cruelest Game, by Barclay Cooke and Jon Bradshaw

Black to play 4-3.

Black moves a man from the 4 point out to white’s 11 point. Black feels that he can’t afford to spoil his board any further and must break his forward anchor.

XG logo
Tom Keith 2013 
Money play
Black owns 4-cube
Black rolls 4-3

1296 games with VR
Checker play: 3-ply
Cube play: XG Roller

4-3: Game BG   Equity
1 21/14 W
−0.7471 x  *
2 5/1, 4/1 W
−0.8618 (0.1147) 

Three Great Games,” Backgammon: the Cruelest Game

Backgammon: the Cruelest Game (1974), by Barclay Cooke and Jon Bradshaw

Backgammon Galore : Books