Hyper Fun 12. Length of a Game
Tom Keith, 2018

How long does a typical game of hypergammon last? That is the topic of today’s post.

For now, we will look at cubeless hypergammon, so there is no possibility games ending in “double/pass.” All games are played until one side or the other has borne off all their checkers.

Shortest Possible Game

Each player in hypergammon starts three checker that have to move a total of 69 pips. The most pips you can roll in one turn is 24, so you need at least three rolls (24 pips × 3 = 72 pips) to bring your checkers home and bear them off.

Can the winner of the opening roll get his checkers off in 3 rolls? No, because the first roll can’t be doublets. The most pips you can roll on the opening roll is 11, so the opening roll winner will need at least 4 rolls to bring his checkers home and bear them off.

What about the loser of the opening roll? Can he bear off in 3 rolls? Yes he can, if he rolls three double 6’s in a row. He just needs to hope that there are no blocks in his way.

The shortest possible game, then, is 6 rolls.

    Black   White
1.   6-5:  23/17, 22/17 6-6:  24/12, 23/11
2.   6-6:  17/5(2) 6-6:  22/10, 12/6, 11/5
3.   6-6:  24/off 6-6:  10/4, 6/off, 5/off, 4/off

Longest Possible Game

It turns out there is a tie for the longest possible game of hypergammon. One of the shorter contenders is illustrated below. This game starts off with the following sequence of rolls: 5-1, 6-6, 5-5, 6-6, 4-4, 2-2.

Played perfectly, these rolls produce the following game:

    Black   White
1.   5-1:  24/19, 23/22 6-6:  24/12, 23/17, 22/16
2.   5-5:  22/12(2) 6-6:  17/5, 16/4
3.   4-4:  12/4(2) 2-2:  12/6*, 6/4

And we arrive at this position:

Black to roll

At this point, the dice begin spewing out an endless supply of double 5’s. I leave it as an exercise to the reader to play out the rest of the game and see how it ends.

Average Length Game

Last time, I noted that “it takes an average of 13.45010 rolls to bring your checkers home and bear them off.” So the average length of a game must be less that 13.45 × 2 = 26.9 rolls because the winner of the game will be luckier than average, so it will take him less than 13.45 rolls to get his checkers off. And the loser never throws more rolls than the winner. So the average number of total rolls in a game has to be less that 26.9.

It turns out the average length of a game of hypergammon is 24.5822837179629 rolls. To get this number, we assume (as usual) that both players are playing perfectly. (If the players were trying to lose instead, we would get a very different answer!)

The difference between 26.9 and 24.58 is 2.32 rolls. This is the average number of rolls it would take the loser to finish bearing off his checkers if he were to continue playing after the game was over.

To get the number 24.5822837179629, there is one additional assumption we had to make about how the game is played. To illustrate, look at this position:

Black rolls 6-1

Black has two ways to play his 6-1: He can bear off both checkers and win the game immediately, or he can play 3/2/off and make white suffer a little longer. Both plays have the same equity (black wins a single game either way), but the second play yields a game that is 2 rolls longer.

To decide between two such plays, we use the same tie-breaking rule we used in Hyper Fun 10:

If two plays are tied in equity, choose the play that minimizes total epc.

Applying this rule to the position above means that we assume black plays 3/off, 1/off and bears off both of his checkers now.

Median Length Game

The number of rolls that most evenly divides hypergammon game lengths into the shorter ones and the longer ones is 22 rolls.

Most Common Length Game

The following histogram show the relative frequency of the different lengths of hypergammon games.

6 rolls 0.00000
7 rolls 0.00005
8 rolls 0.00010
9 rolls 0.00088
10 rolls 0.00142
11 rolls 0.00576
12 rolls 0.00768
13 rolls 0.01918
14 rolls 0.02302
15 rolls 0.04231
16 rolls 0.04461
17 rolls 0.06044
18 rolls 0.05774
19 rolls 0.06642
20 rolls 0.05928
21 rolls 0.06058
22 rolls 0.05329
23 rolls 0.05202
24 rolls 0.04530
25 rolls 0.04323
26 rolls 0.03742
27 rolls 0.03494
28 rolls 0.03036
29 rolls 0.02800
30 rolls 0.02447
31 rolls 0.02241
32 rolls 0.01962
33 rolls 0.01784
34 rolls 0.01558
35 rolls 0.01414
36 rolls 0.01241
37 rolls 0.01114
38 rolls 0.00982
39 rolls 0.00886
40 rolls 0.00780
41 rolls 0.00701
42 rolls 0.00615
43 rolls 0.00552
44 rolls 0.00487
45 rolls 0.00436
46 rolls 0.00384
47 rolls 0.00343
48 rolls 0.00301
49 rolls 0.00271
50 rolls 0.00236
51 rolls 0.00211
52 rolls 0.00187
53 rolls 0.00167
54 rolls 0.00146
55 rolls 0.00129
56 rolls 0.00116
57 rolls 0.00103
58 rolls 0.00091
59 rolls 0.00082
60 rolls 0.00072
61 rolls 0.00063
62 rolls 0.00056
63 rolls 0.00049
64 rolls 0.00044
65 rolls 0.00040
66 rolls 0.00036
67 rolls 0.00031
68 rolls 0.00026
69 rolls 0.00024
70 rolls 0.00021
71 rolls 0.00019
72 rolls 0.00017
73 rolls 0.00015
74 rolls 0.00013
75 rolls 0.00011
76 rolls 0.00011
77 rolls 0.00009
78 rolls 0.00008
79 rolls 0.00007
80 rolls 0.00007
81 rolls 0.00006
82 rolls 0.00005
83 rolls 0.00005
84 rolls 0.00004
85 rolls 0.00004
86 rolls 0.00003
87 rolls 0.00003
88 rolls 0.00003
89 rolls 0.00002
90 rolls 0.00002
91 rolls 0.00002
92 rolls 0.00001
93 rolls 0.00001
94 rolls 0.00001
95 rolls 0.00001
96 rolls 0.00001
97 rolls 0.00001
98 rolls 0.00001
99 rolls 0.00001
100 rolls 0.00001

Six-roll games are possible, but they are so rare that they don’t even show up on this chart. Games longer than 100 rolls are also extremely rare.

The most common length of game is 19 rolls.

You might expect that the second-most-common length of game would be either 18 rolls or 20 rolls, but it is not. Second and third place go to “21 rolls” and “17 rolls” respectively.

The reason is that the winner of the opening roll wins the game more often than the loser of the opening roll. When the winner of the opening roll wins the game, there are an odd number of rolls because the same player throws both first and last.

The Five M’s

Statisticians refer to the average of a distribution as its “mean” and they call the most common value of a distribution the “mode.” Here are the five m’s of hypergammon game lengths:

Minimum 6  
Mode 19  
Median 22  
Mean 24 .6

Hyper Fun 11
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