Backgammon Books

Alpha Backgammon
With an Exclusive Section on How to Win Through Silva Mind Control

Baron Vernon Ball |
1980 |
William Morrow and Company, Inc. |
New York |
0-688-03714-3 |
Hardcover |
224 |
24 cm high, 17 cm wide |

"Now here's a hilarious book. I'd love to know where the author earned his 'World Champion' title as advertised on the cover.
The book is the only one I've seen, though, that offers advice in positions that we often regard as completely beyond help. For instance, in the bear-off with two checkers on one's own ace-point and an opponent on roll with a checker on the ace- and three- points, Ball encourages us:
'X does not sit idly by and accept as fact that he will lose. X knows that 2-1's do appear and that he knows how to help make a 2-1 appear more often than probability. X visualizes a 2-1 on his mental screen and concentrates while O is rolling the dice ...' (p.186)"Albert Steg

LEVEL ONE. Learn to Win, It's Easy: Rules and Check Movement
LEVEL TWO. Begin and Win: Opening Moves and Replies to Opening Moves
LEVEL THREE. Run to Win: Pip Count and Distribution
LEVEL FOUR. Double Your Winnings: All About the Doubling Cube
LEVEL FIVE. Winning Early: Blocking, Priming
LEVEL SIX. Hitting, Splitting, Slotting, and Winning: Pressure Plays, Containing a Hit Man
LEVEL SEVEN. Play Wide Open and Win: Wide-Open Plays, Action Plays, High-Risk Plays
LEVEL EIGHT. Winning Late: Dublication, Forced Shots, Return Shots, End-Game Plays, Control of Outer Board
LEVEL NINE. Bear Off First and Win: Bearing In, Bearing Off
LEVEL TEN. Escape the Gammon and Win: A Save Is a Win
LEVEL ELEVEN. Play Back and Win: The Back Game
LEVEL TWELVE. Learn the Odds and Win
PART II: The Untimate Level: Mind ControlYou Are a Winner
CHAPTER I. Vernon Meets Verni
CHAPTER II. Mind Over Backgammon: Proof That the Law of Probability Can Be Influenced by Your Mind
CHAPTER III. Psychokinesis on Games: Winning at Games
CHAPTER IV. Psychics vs. the Average Subject in Psychokinetic Ability: Everyone Has the Natural Ability
CHAPTER V. Mind Control and Gambling
CHAPTER VI. The Backgammon Experiment
CHAPTER VII. How to Meditate: Author's Techinque to Relax, Relieve Tension, and Influence the Laws of Probability; Visualization in Black and White and Color
CHAPTER VIII. Practical Application of Mind Control to Backgammon: How to Use Your Mind to Influence the Fall of the Dice
CHAPTER IX. The Backgammon Tape: Author's Tape Designed for Self-Programming to Be Luckyto Win
CHAPTER X. Backgammon and Drugs: What Every Player Should Know; Get High Without Drugs
"Alpha Backgammon is to backgammon what The Inner Game of Tennis is to tennis," says tennis champion Ilie Nastase, who is an expert backgammon player. Here, a world-renowned champion shows you how to play a winning game and gives you the special secret of his success.
The author presents a series of illustrated boards (more than two hundred) which are accompanied by comments on strategy and moves. Each play is explained in clear, concise, easy to follow steps, accessible to anyone who wants to master this fascinating board game. Vernon Ball takes backgammon through twelve successive levels, ranging from beginning through expert. You will be able to follow closely and guage your own progress as Ball leads you from one level to the next, increasing your game-playing powers at each step.
Alpha Backgammon has a special bonus that no other backgammon book offers: Champion Vernon Ball tells how he used Silva Mind Control to become the world's top player, and shows how you can use this famous method to advance your game and conquer your opponentshow you can get your mind in tune with the dice and control your luck. Ball describes the Silva Mind Control way of releasing untapped energies for beneficial uses, a method of relaxed concentration practiced successfully by millions of Silva Mind Control advocates the world over.
Not since The Inner Game of Tennis has there been such a game book to prime the player to win! Alpha Backgammon includes a dictionary of backgammon jargon, a series of odds tables, a bibliography, and, for the first time in any book, the complete Black and White International Tournament Rules.
Baron Vernon Ball began playing backgammon in 1974. Two years later he won the World Championships, and he continues to play and win around the world, and even underwater. He is also the only person in modern times to have become a noble through the purchase of a title. Baron Ball makes his home in the Virgin Islands.