Teach Yourself Backgammon

Michael Crane |
2006 |
Hodder Education |
London |
0-07-148260-1 |
Softcover |
ix+166 |
20 cm high, 13 cm wide |

"A lot of useful information is crammed into this handy-sized book. Any beginning student of the game will find the book very informative. I like the glossaryin fact, I think I wrote many of the definitions!"Tom Keith, August 2007

01. What is backgammon? Beginners' Basics
02. Starting at the end! bearing offthe end of the game; bearing off against opposition on the bar; bearing off against oppostiion in your home board; bearing in safely against opposition; back to the beginning
03. The opening moves: point makers; builders; runners; doubles
04. Time to play a game: anchors and holding game; backgame; golden point; bar-point; primes; diversification; duplication; backgammon and gammon; crossovers; blitz; slotting; splitting; one checker back; timing
05. Luck in backgammon
06. Essential tables for winning at backgammon: dice combinations; rolls that contain a ...; rolls that hit a double shot; re-entering off the bar with one checker; re-entering off the bar with two checkers; a number of ways of making points; bearing off your last two checkers
07. Pip-counting: opposites; blocks; centre-point block-couting method; the running total difference
08. Keeping count: palm-up and palm-down; the curly finger; the board and finger; tips
09. The doubling cube: what is a doubling cube?; the 25 per cent and 10 per cent rules; PRaT; too good to double; double them out; the Crawford rule; the Jacoby rule
10. Match analysisa test of your checker-play knowledge: terminology; the match
11. Variations: chouette; acey-deucy; plakoto; tavla
12. Etiquette and tournament procedures: taking part in a tournament; playing a game; clocks in backgammon
13. The history of backgammon: ancient history; more recent history; modern backgammon
Taking it further: magazines; books; merchandise; Internet resources; online backgammon; where to play; software
A test of knowledge: questions; answers
Are you new to backgammon and want a basic understanding? Are you a novice player who wants to improve? Do you want exercises to help you learn and win?
Backgammon is a full and informative introduction to this enduring board game. It start by explaining the object of the game, then works backwards to explain how to get there. It offers a step-by-step guide to strategy, with key tips on what moves to make when. Interactive exercises allow you to perfect your technique, and there is plenty of information on rules, tournaments and the latest software.
Michael Crane is the founder-director of the British Isles Backgammon Association (BIBA) and one of the UK's leading experts on the game.