Backgammon Books

Fair Backgammon Tournament Rules

Jakob Garal |
2007 |
Jakob Garal |
Aachen, Germany |
Softcover |
124 |
21 cm high, 14.5 cm wide |
The book is an attempt of taking into account all playing factors of Backgammon in connection with organisation of tournaments. New balanced scoring system for a game and a match is suggested here for the first time. Original forms and formats of tournaments, including team competitions, are proposed.
"Personally I like the 'Identical Opening Roll Rule' idea and would like to see it instated, assuming that it does not disrupt the flow and that I can be assured that my opponents will have no trouble using it correctly."Nack Ballard, Backgammon Giant No. 1, October 11, 2006
"Dr. Jakob Garal has devoted much time in creating some very interesting and innovative rules, and formats, for tournament backgammon. I enjoyed discussing these with him, the man is a genius. At the same time, they are open to changes and Jakob would love to get more feedback on his proposal from the worldwide backgammon community. So I think avid tournament players out there should take a good look at what he has to offer and contribute their own thoughts and opinions on his system, before it is implemented, so that players can finally have a say on how their tournaments should be run."Michael Strato Liberopoulos, International Backgammon Consultant, October 12, 2006
"The more I read the more I agree that something has gone wrong on the way. I see that it's been a historical blunder to introduce the tournament rules we're using today. Now I totally agree something is wrong."Øystein Johansen, a developer of the GNU Backgammon, October 17, 2006
Jakob Garal, Dr. Eng and inventor, lives in Aachen, Germany. He was born in 1952 in Chuguev, near Kharkov, Ukraine. He graduated from engineering-physical faculty of Kharkov Polytechnic Institute in 1975. He is author of 14 scientific publications and 3 inventions, including special registration board for Backgammon, "BEZMA". Hobbies: Bridge, Backgammon, swimming, tennis, skiing.