Five-Count Part 3:
Practice, Practice, Practice

Created by Sho Sengoku, 2001

Count pips for blue and yellow (blue always moves clockwise), then click an image for the answer.

Q. 001


Q. 002


Q. 003


Q. 004


Q. 005


Continue on to:   Part 4: Even Faster!


Sho Sengoku's Five Count

Overview:   Summary of Sho's Pip Count, "Five-Count"
Part 1:   Quick View: Introduction to "Five-Count"
Part 2:   Techniques for Easier and Faster Counting
Part 3:   Practice, Practice, Practice
Part 4:   Even Faster!
Part 4.1:   Common patterns for "10s" in group counting
Part 4.2:   To get a "rough count" even faster
Part 4.3:   Common cancellation patterns in an adjustment


See:  Other articles by Sho Sengoku

See:  Other articles on Pip Counting

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