Backgammon Books

Backgammon, An Independent View

Chris Bray |
1998 |
Electra Publishing |
Cheddar, Somerset |
1-901501-05-1 |
Softcover |
iv+243 |
21 cm high, 15 cm wide |
Chris Bray writes a weekly backgammon column for the Independent newspaper (circulation 300,000) in the United Kingdom and occasionally writes articles for Inside Backgammon, Chicago Point, etc. He plays at the Double Fives club in London. This is his first book, which is an anthology of his best newspaper and other articles. It covers the spectrum of backgammon, from basics to complexity. You can buy the book directly from the author.
In January 2005, Bray revised some of the marterial in the original book. He writes: "I have recently re-analysed all the positions from my book. As a result, seven of the solutions have changed and I have added a solution to the one position for which no solution was originally given." The revisions are available online as a PDF file: Backgammon--An Independent View Revisited (11 pages).

"Chris Bray is a well known and accomplished British player. The most useful of his articles are the descriptions of the different types of games and the strategies for both sides as well as keys on when to use the doubling cube in each of them. There are also sections on chouettes, props, settlements, tournament play etc. Although Bray doesn't go deep into detail on any one topic, he gets the ideas across and manages to give you information on a vast variety of topics, some only touched upon in other works."Martin Short, October 2001

1. Introduction
2. Fundamentals
3. Further Fundamentals
4. Complexity
5. Tournaments
6. A Broader View
7. Pot Pourri
Chris Bray has been on the London backgammon scene for the last sixteen years playing at venues such as The Red Room, Stocks and the latterly the Double Fives Club. He has honed his skills at these venues and has used them to good effect on the European and US tournaments circuits.
For the last four years Chris has been the backgammon correspondent of the Independent newspaper. From producing the occasional article four years ago he has progressed to weekly columnist where his articles command a wide readership.
BackgammonAn Independent View takes the best of his Independent articles and mixes them with his other more technical articles to produce a book which will appeal to all players. Everyone, no matter what their skill, will find something in these pages to raise the level of their game and show them new aspects of backgammon. It also has its more whimsical moments as none other than Sherlock Holmes provides some of the instruction.