Backgammon Books

The Wind of Change
A Backgammon Book

Chris Bray |
2013 |
Chris Bray (Lulu) |
London |
978-1-291-52842-8 |
Softcover |
x+183 |
29 cm high, 20.5 cm wide |
This is the fourth in Chris Bray's series of "Wind" books. All four books are largely anthologies of his writing for The Independent newspaper in the United Kingdom, although there is additional material in all of them. The articles were written between 2010 and 2012.

"Chris Bray's long-running column and continuing personal involvement in the game have done wonders for keeping backgammon in the public eye in Great Britain. For those of us who don't have access to these columns, or even those who do, this convenient, easy-to-read book will be a fine addition to our backgammon libraries."Mary Hickey, Flint Area Backgammon News, December 2013

1. Introduction
2. 2010: The Dowager's Dilemma / A Common Mistake / Goulding's Maxim / Margiel's Maxim / Double Maxim / Four is More Than You Think / The Menagerie in Discussion / Practice Makes Perfect / Practice Makes Perfect, Part 2 / A Difficult Choice / Five Orange Pips / Beauty Contest? / RAC 32 / Tim Holland / Scope / Mind the Gap / A Triumph for Madeline / Wind Assisted / Decisions, Decisions / Asset Management / Eliminating Luck / Springtime at Harbinger Hall / 3-pt Game Revisited / WSOB / Advance the Anchor? / Midsummer Musings / Against the Grain / Mycroft's Problem / Backgammon in Fulham / Chouette and More / Forever Learning / Go White You Still Can / Take One More Roll? / Monte Carlo 2010 / Menagerie by the Pool / A Visit to Aunt Dahlia / Squeeze the Last Drop / Coup Classique Revisited / Learning Online / Flexibility and Connectivity / Refining the Model / London Open 2010 / London Open 2010, Part 2 / London League / Dawn at Harbinger Hall / Plans and Plays / Middle Game Judgement / Endgame Study / Time to Step Up? / Tiptoe Through the Tulips? / Christmas Reading / A Question of Luck
3. RAC Quiz 2011
4. 2011: Black and White / Blinkers Off Please / Patience is a Virtue / A Matter of Time / UK National Championships / Match Play Problem / Mochy vs Jurgen / Mochy vs Jurgen, Part 2 / Trap Play / A lesson from the Drones / Pattern Recognition / Keep Your Wits About You / A Spirited Debate / Think First, Play Later / Think First, Play Later, Part 2 / Amateur and Professional / Paul Magriel / Play by the Rules / Backgammon Books / Mochy's 12 Seconds Rule / Mervyn Does the Sums / Tactics vs. Strategy / Abandon Hope ... / No Duck Soup / A Very Common Dilemma / What's Your Game Plan? / A Change of Trousers / End of Season Frolic / After Dinner Lesson / Middle Game Thinking / World Giants Challenge Quiz / Monte Carlo / eXtreme Gammon 2 / Art or Science / Backgammon and The Web / Uncharted Territory / The Theory of Errors Openings / The Theory of Errors Oversights / The Theory of Errors Planning / The Theory of Errors Tactical Plays / Chicago Point / The Theory of Errors Doubling / Dangers of The Consulting Chouette / The Theory of Errors Taking / Heading for Home / The Theory of Errors Redoubling / A Reminder for Bertie Wooster / Learning to Learn / Learning to Learn 2 / Playing on Automatic / An Orwellian Idea / Christmas at Harbinger Hall / A new Year's Lesson
5. 2012: Rolling a Prime / Early Game Quandary / A Matter of Technique / Falafel vs. Sax / RIP Chicago Point / A Match Play Problem / Benchmarking / The Lessons of War / The Case for Greed / Spring Chouette / Blind Spot? / Uncertain Certainty / London League Update / A Comedy of Errors / One from the Rat's Castle / A Very Common Error / Diogenes Review / Sometimes You Just Can't Win / Opening Skirmish / The Life of a Columnist / Weaver's Conundrum / The Queen's Diamond Jubilee / Backgammon Funfair / The London Open / Will You Stay Awhile? / Time for a Whopper / The Pimms Chouette / Quickstep Anyone? / How Wrong Can You Be? / Back Game Country / Monte Carlo / Monte Carlo, Part 2 / Strategy versus Tactics / XG Mobile / A Simple Idea / The Trader's Instinct / The Origin of Doubling / A Lesson in Priorities / Modern Technique / Making Your Own Luck / Lee Genud / Risk and Reward at Live in London / Meanwhile, Back at the Menagerie / What Could be Simpler? / Of Furry Creatures / The Gods Themselves / Live in London / Bertie and Madeline / Blitzing Technique / The Case of the Failed Blitz / The Library Chouette
6. London Open Quiz 2012
7. Quiz Solutions: 2011 RAC Quiz / 2012 London Open Quiz
8. Bibliography: Backgammon Books / Backgammon Websites
The game of backgammon continues to evolve and the last twenty years have seen a period of rapid development in the game. This is largely because of the advent of backgammon computer programs Jellyfish, Snowie, and, most recently, eXtreme Gammon. Consequently the modern expert player is light years ahead of his 1990s counterpart.
The material in this book covers not only the development of backgammon theory but also looks at the history of the game including some of its more famous and colourful players. For example it is only in the last twelve months that some of the history of the doubling cube, which is at the very heart of backgammon, has been discovered.
The timeless characters that make up Chris's menagerie continue to point a vibrant picture of life in the high stakes chouette. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are also on hand to lend instruction and for this book Jeeves and Wooster have joined the party as well.
Chris's articles are targeted at a broad range of players and everyone from the casual player to the expert will improve their game by studying the diverse positions in this book.
Chris Bray is the backgammon columnist for The Independent newspaper in the United Kingdom and has been playing and studying the game for over thirty years. In this anthology of his most recent Independent articles, he traces the further development of many aspects of the game.
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Backgammon, An Independent View
Chris Bray
1998: Electra Publishing, Cheddar, Somerset
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What Colour is the Wind?
Chris Bray
2002: Chris Bray, London
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Backgammon for Blood
A Guide for Those Who Like to Play but Love to Win
Chris Bray
2007: Skyhorse, New York, New York
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Backgammon to Win
Play like a pro both online and off
Chris Bray
2007: New Holland Publishers, London
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Second Wind
Chris Bray
2007: Chris Bray (Lulu), London
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Backgammon for Dummies
Chris Bray
2008: John Wiley & Sons, London
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Wind Assisted
Chris Bray
2010: Chris Bray (Lulu), London