Backgammon Books

Advanced Backgammon
Technical Play

2 |
Bill Robertie |
1991 |
Second Edition |
The Gammon Press |
Arlington, MA |
0-880604-03-5 |
Softcover |
270 |
23 cm high, 18 cm wide |
Volume 1
Advanced Backgammon, 1984

"This book is aimed at the player who has already read a book on the level of Magriel's Backgammon and who has some experience of the game. It aims to raise the reader's game to expert level in a series of 400 problems (about half chequer play and half cube decisions) that cover positional topics such as the opening and the five point, and technical topics such as holding games and bearing off. Robertie is much stronger than Magriel on some aspects of the gamedoubling and back games spring to mindand he is aiming at a different level of difficulty. I have to say, however, that I find Robertie's stylea collection of problems taken from many aspects of the gameless helpful than Magriel's systematic exposition. Despite that it is a very valuable book."Stephen Turner

"Robertie's two books are most useful. Lots of interesting positions and good for improving your cube handling. There are good discussions on specific issues and reference positions, etc. Just as Magriel's book is dated in some ways, Robertie's book is too. You might want to have JF rollouts for the book to see what advice is perhaps not okay; these are available on the net (although a bit hard to find). It doesn't really decrease the value of the book though, just don't take all advice as gospel."Robert_Jan Veldhuizen, August 2000

"I have rolled out all these positions with Snowie 3.2 and I can tell
you about 25% of these positions have errors."Brad Davis, September 2002

"It was written in the 80s, some of the answers aren't 'right' (now that Snowie has taken a turn), but the in-depth analysis of the various positions is really top notch. The written analysis really helps you understand 'how to think' about the various positions and situations that come up."Gregg Cattanach, July 2002

"I'm finding the books rather difficult. I have read Magriel's Backgammon several times and understood the concepts and my game improved much. But Advanced Backgammon seems to be too difficult for me. Robertie's analysis is quite deep and extensive, requiring much time to think about. It is hard for me to imagine that I have to come up with all this analysis each time I make a move! Some of Robertie's problems take 15-20 minutes to solve but in FIBS people start swearing at you if you take 20 seconds. Don't get me wrong, I think Advanced Backgammon is very good; it's just targeted for a more advanced player."Scott Steiner, September 2002

"Universally acknowledged as a classic and yet still underrated, Robertie's work organizes and explicates more high-level backgammon concepts than have ever appeared together, before or since. Even now, nearly a decade into the computer era, no other book is like it. In particular, no one to this day has been remotely so ambitious in the analysis of cube actions. In an era when the prevailing wisdom was that hand rollouts of cube actions were useless because of the many thousands of trials one would need to produce a reliable result, Robertie took a different perspective: he happily rolled out interresting positions in 108 game sets, fully understanding that many of his conclusions would be inaccurate, and fully expecting to become a much stronger player for the experience."Jeremy Bagai, in Classic Backgammon Revisited, March 2001

High Anchors
Low Anchors
The Gammon Press
Advanced Backgammon is the second edition of the classic work originally published in 1984. The second editiondivided into two volumescontains over 400 problems on advanced checker and cube strategy.
Volume 1, Positional Play, includes chapters covering Opening Play, Middle Games, the Five-Point, Hitting or Not Hitting, Attacking Play, Action Doubles, Crunch Positions, Prime vs. Prime Games, and Back Games.
Volume 2, Technical Play, includes chapters covering Low Anchors, High Anchors, Endgames, Races, and Bearoffs.
Bill Robertie is the only two-time winner of the Monte Carlo World Championships, and has on numerous occasions been the number-one rated player in the world. His other books include Lee Genud vs. Joe Dwek and Reno 1986. He is the editor of the bimonthly magazine, Inside Backgammon.
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Lee Genud Vs Joe Dwek
The 1981 World Championship of Backgammon
Bill Robertie
1982: William Robertie, Arlington, MA
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Reno 1986
Bill Robertie
1987: William Robertie, Arlington, MA
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Backgammon for Winners
Bill Robertie
1993: Cardoza Publishing, New York, NY
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Learning from the Machine
Bill Robertie versus TD-Gammon
Bill Robertie
1993: The Gammon Press, Arlington, MA
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Backgammon for Winners
Second Edition
Bill Robertie
1995: Cardoza Publishing, New York, NY
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Backgammon for Serious Players
Tips from the World's Best Player
Bill Robertie
1997: Cardoza Publishing, New York, NY
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501 Essential Backgammon Problems
Bill Robertie
2000: Cardoza Publishing, New York, NY
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Modern Backgammon
Bill Robertie
2001: The Gammon Press, Arlington, MA
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Backgammon for Winners
Third Edition
Bill Robertie
2002: Cardoza Publishing, New York, NY
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Backgammon for Serious Players
Strategies from a World Champion
Second Edition
Bill Robertie
2003: Cardoza Publishing, New York, NY