Backgammon Books

Backgammon for Serious Players
Strategies from a World Champion

Bill Robertie |
2003 |
Second Edition |
Cardoza Publishing |
New York, NY |
1-58042-077-X |
Softcover |
256 |
23 cm high, 15 cm wide |
First Edition, 1997

"This sequel to Backgammon For Winners is presumably written for the intermediate player. The book rates just 'good' because it is heavy on tactics but light on strategy. An intermediate book should move into the realm of strategic and thematic play. The book consists of five annotated games by well known players: a holding game, a game with match-score dependent cube handling, a back game, an ace-point game, and a game that defies description."John Rickel, January 2002

"A good read for players up to intermediate level, especially if you liked Robertie's Backgammon for Winners. The five sample games give some good insight on tactics to be used in modern backgammon. The author explains why moves are better than others, gives alternative plays and the general principles behind them. Some interesting comments are made on how to play the cube in the situation deriving from the sample games, but the scope of the book does not allow him to go into much detail. Occasional mistakes in the diagrams and notations make reading a bit difficult at times (correcting them is a good exercise in itself)."C. Robinson, Customer Review at Amazon.com, August 1998

"Should the serious player grab a copy? Well maybe. The game selection is first rate, and if you are willing to play, seriously, through each one, covering the player's moves before choosing your own, and spending time rethinking your play whenever it differs with the expert's, this book is for you. However, don't expect the same depth of analysis you found in Advanced Backgammon or Reno 1986 or Lee Genud vs. Joe Dwek. You won't find it here. If you don't want 'Robertie Lite,' better pass your copy on to cousin Minnie."Jake Jacobs, Flint Area BackgammoNews, December 1997

"This sequel to Backgammon For Winners is presumably written for the intermediate player. The book rates just 'good' because it is heavy on tactics but light on strategy. An intermediate book should move into the realm of strategic and thematic play. The book consists of five annotated games by well known players: a holding game, a game with match-score dependent cube handling, a back game, an ace-point game, and a game that defies description."John Rickel, January 2002

"A good read for players up to intermediate level, especially if you liked Robertie's Backgammon for Winners. The five sample games give some good insight on tactics to be used in modern backgammon. The author explains why moves are better than others, gives alternative plays and the general principles behind them. Some interesting comments are made on how to play the cube in the situation deriving from the sample games, but the scope of the book does not allow him to go into much detail. Occasional mistakes in the diagrams and notations make reading a bit difficult at times (correcting them is a good exercise in itself)."C. Robinson, Customer Review at Amazon.com, August 1998

"Should the serious player grab a copy? Well maybe. The game selection is first rate, and if you are willing to play, seriously, through each one, covering the player's moves before choosing your own, and spending time rethinking your play whenever it differs with the expert's, this book is for you. However, don't expect the same depth of analysis you found in Advanced Backgammon or Reno 1986 or Lee Genud vs. Joe Dwek. You won't find it here. If you don't want 'Robertie Lite,' better pass your copy on to cousin Minnie."Jake Jacobs, Flint Area BackgammoNews, December 1997

1. Introduction
2. How to Use This Book
3. Backgammon Tournaments: Backgammon Tournaments; Special Rules for Tournament Play; The Major Tournaments; The World Cup; The World Championship; Istanbul; The Bahamas Pro-Am Doubles
4. Bakcgammon Notation
5. Game 1: Horan vs. Pauen: Opening Strategy; Playing for Flexibility; When to Take a Double; The Gammon Factor; How to Save a Gammon; Summary
6. Game 2: Snellings vs. Magriel: Playing to the Score; Importance of Connectivity; Playing for an Undoubled Gammon; How to Bearoff; Summary
Game 3: Magriel vs. Svobodny: Put Your Checkers Where They Belong; Doubling in the Opening; When to Change Plans; Duplication; Back Game Strategy; Creating Shots; Doubling after a Back Game; Bearing Off Strategy
Game 4: Sylvester vs. Snellings: Spliting in the Opening; Using Checkers Efficiently; Building a Prime Quickly; Making the Right Moves; Killing Numbers; Grouping Numbers Together; Safety versus Gammon Chances
Game 5: Robertie vs. Harris: Which 5-Point?; To Hit or Not to Hit; Bold Play versus Safe Play; Recirculation; Back Game Strategy; Mopping Up; Attacking a Stripped Point
Next Steps: Becoming a Better Player; Backgammon On the Internet
Learn the advanced strategies and winning secrets of play from the world's foremost authority on backgammon and two-time world champion. Bill Robertie shows you what it takes to play with the best.
Leran what it takes to win the big games and crush opponents at the backgammon tables. Expert advice and examples show you the inside tips, strategies and secrets of the champions.
You'll learn how to play boldly, build primes quickly, and go for gammons. Find out how the masters kill numbers, double in the opening, create shots, take tricky doubles, and lots more!
Featuring: Powerful concepts used by the world's best players. Five games by champions with move-by-move insights. Master opening, middle, back game, and bearoff strategies. More than 100easy-to-understand diagrams. Use of the doubling cube to win games and make money. Championship backgammon techniques. Bill Robertie's inside secrets for dynamic championship level play.
Bill Robertie is the world's best backgammon player and the only two-time winner of the Monte Carlo World Championships. Robertie is the author of seven backgammon books and the co-publisher of Inside Backgammon, the leading backgammon magazine.
Robertie is also a chess master, a winner of the U.S. Speed Chess Championship, and the author of six chess books.
Robertie's club and tournament winnings from backgammon have allowed him to travel the world in style. He currently makes his home in Arlington, Massachusetts.
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Lee Genud Vs Joe Dwek
The 1981 World Championship of Backgammon
Bill Robertie
1982: William Robertie, Arlington, MA
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Advanced Backgammon
Bill Robertie
1984: William Robertie, Arlinton, MA
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Reno 1986
Bill Robertie
1987: William Robertie, Arlington, MA
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Advanced Backgammon, Volume 1
Positional Play
Second Edition
Bill Robertie
1991: The Gammon Press, Arlington, MA
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Advanced Backgammon, Volume 2
Technical Play
Second Edition
Bill Robertie
1991: The Gammon Press, Arlington, MA
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Backgammon for Winners
Bill Robertie
1993: Cardoza Publishing, New York, NY
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Learning from the Machine
Bill Robertie versus TD-Gammon
Bill Robertie
1993: The Gammon Press, Arlington, MA
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Backgammon for Winners
Second Edition
Bill Robertie
1995: Cardoza Publishing, New York, NY
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501 Essential Backgammon Problems
Bill Robertie
2000: Cardoza Publishing, New York, NY
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Modern Backgammon
Bill Robertie
2001: The Gammon Press, Arlington, MA
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Backgammon for Winners
Third Edition
Bill Robertie
2002: Cardoza Publishing, New York, NY