
Forum Archive : Programming

What is a "neural net"?

From:   Gary Wong
Date:   7 October 1998
Subject:   Re: neural-nets and backgammon
Google:   wtemskcntt.fsf@brigantine.CS.Arizona.EDU

> Can anyone explain me how neural-nets work?

A neural net is essentially a collection of connected neurons, where
each neuron is a simple dedicated computing element.  Each neuron can
have many inputs but only a single output (analogous to cellular
automata).  Actually a better example is probably cells in a
spreadsheet -- each neuron has a "formula" based on the numbers in
lots of other cells, and produces a value which can be used by
subsequent cells.

In some areas it is fashionable to model neural computation on the
activity of biological brain cells, although the neural nets that have
become useful in practical terms have a shaky resemblance at best to
`real' neural nets (in particular, backpropagation of errors is
utterly implausible in biological terms).  Since these `real' neural
nets are an important but distinct topic, the kind we're talking about
are more properly known as artificial neural nets.  A former colleague
(and expert on ANNs) of mine from New Zealand disliked the term
"neural net" and preferred to call them "superinterpolators".

How they work (as opposed to what they are) is a little bit much to go
into here, but there's a huge amount of information available.  Look at
Sumeet's Neural Network Page (Sumeet Gupta) at:
for more links than you ever wanted to follow :-)

To go into a bit more detail on the spreadsheet analogy: suppose you
want to construct a backgammon position evaluating neural net in a
spreadsheet.  One possible layout is this: enter all kinds of
information about the position into column A (for instance, A1 might
be the number of chequers X has borne off; A2 is the number of
chequers O has on the bar; A3 is a measure of how strong O's prime is,
etc).  In ANN terms, column A is the "input layer"; a typical
backgammon evaluator might use hundreds of cells.  Now, create some
cells in column B which all contain a similar formula: each one is
f( w . A ), where f() is some non-linear function, w is some weight
vector, and A is the vector of cells in column A.  The "." is a vector
dot product.  Ignoring the details for now, let's just assume that
column B contains dozens of these cells, each with the same formula
f() and vector A, but with different weights w.  The important thing
to notice is that there will be many cells in this column, each
producing a different value somehow based on the values in column A.
In ANN terms again, column B is the "hidden layer" and each cell in it
is a "hidden neuron".  Lastly, create a few cells in column C, each
with the formula f( w . B ) (again, a non-linear function of the dot
product of some weight vector with the vector made up of all the cells
in column B).  These cells are given meanings by the designer; for
instance cell C1 might be the estimated probability that O wins, C2
the probability that O wins a gammon, etc.  This last column is known
as the "output vector" for obvious reasons.  If we somehow magically
set all those "w" weight vectors in the network to appropriate values,
then we can create a net that will give reasonably accurate output
values in column C corresponding to the position we enter in column A.
What we have created in our spreadsheet is an ordinary multi-layer
perceptron (MLP) with a single hidden layer (column B).

Magically calculating the weights is the hard part.  If we start with
completely random weights, then our network will obviously produce
random output (and play backgammon incredibly badly).  However, if we
have some idea of what the desired output ("training signal") is for
particular positions, then we can gradually improve ("train") our
network to approximate the desired function like this: set the input
vector appropriately and observe the output.  Compare the output
values our untrained or partially trained net gives to the training
signal: any difference is the "error".  We want to adjust the weights
to make this error slightly lower (it doesn't help to attempt to
reduce the error by a large amount in one go, because making coarse
changes like that would tend to make it "forget" earlier training.
We want to make it improve gradually over the coarse of a huge number
of training positions so it can experience a wide range of types
of backgammon positions, and not just the current one).  The explanation
gets too detailed to go into here (see the links above), but there
are solutions to the "credit assignment problem" which essentially
tell you how strongly each individual weight is responsible for the
observed error; by tweaking each of them slightly in proportion to
this amount, you can reduce the overall error.  If you repeatedly
perform this operation for a large number of positions, then our
spreadsheet neural net can be made to approximate the "true" values
for most positions reasonably well.

There's a good web page "The Neural Net Backgammon Programs" (Jay Scott)
that describes how several real backgammon nets address these issues
in practice.

> and why they are the "best represntasion for backgammon"?

I'd guess you'd get a different answer from anybody you ask :-)  I get
the impression from Gerry Tesauro's papers (see the web page above) that
he advocates TD training as being particularly applicable to backgammon,
but since plenty of others have had good results with other training
schemes I'm sure there's more to it than that.  In general, neural nets
tend to be good at pattern recognition, generalisation, and interpreting
noisy input.  They are capable of approximating arbitrary continuous
functions, but in order to have a good chance of succeeding in practice
the function needs to be as smooth as possible and you need some way of
obtaining lots of reasonably accurate training data spread throughout
the domain of interest.

In my opinion, the reason why ANNs work well for evaluating backgammon
equities is that the equity function is VERY smooth and ordered.  The
most important thing is that small changes in input produce only small
changes in output (take a random position; move a single chequer from
X's 9 point and move it to her 8 point; chances are you are left with
practically the same position as before and the equities will be very
similar).  This is quite distinct from most other games (for instance,
take a random chess position; move that white knight on f6 to f5;
chances are you've made a significant change to the tatical balance
of that part of the board and quite possibly changed it from a winning
position for black into a winning position for white, even though you
only moved a single piece a single square).  This is what I mean by
smoothness of the equity function.  Smooth functions can be represented
very efficiently by ANNs.  The "pattern recognition" concept plays a
large role, too; recall that the main operation performed in every
neuron is the vector (dot) product of the previous layer and a weight
vector.  This can be regarded at a weighted sum of the activity of the
previous layer, but an equally good interpretation is that it's a measure
of "similarity" of the previous layer and some "ideal" vector (since
the dot product of two normalised vectors is the cosine of the angle
between them).  It is fairly obvious that this is a very useful
property in evaluating backgammon positions, since steering toward
winning "patterns" is essentially what strategic play is all about.
A single neuron in the hidden layer can calculate how "closely" the
input pattern matches a (learned) successful blitzing template, for
instance -- regarding the weight vector as an "ideal blitz" to be
compared for similarity against the input vector is exactly equivalent
to regarding each individual weight as a measure of how important
the corresponding feature is for a successful blitz.

> And how should i represnt the backgammon game in your idea.

I don't understand what you mean.  Whose and what idea?  What exactly
do you want to represent?

        Gary Wong, Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona
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Do you have any comments you'd like to add?     



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Introduction  (Gareth McCaughan, Oct 1994) 
Measuring Difficulty  (John Robson+, Feb 2005)  [GammOnLine forum]
Methods of encoding positions  (Gary Wong, Jan 2001) 
N-ply algorithm  (eXtreme Gammon, Jan 2011) 
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Source code  (Gary Wong, Dec 1999) 
TD-Gammon vs. Robertie  (David Escoffery, June 1992) 
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Variance reduction of rollouts  (Jim Williams, June 1997) 
What is a "neural net"?  (Gary Wong, Oct 1998) 
Writing a backgammon program  (Gary Wong, Jan 1999) 

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