Game number 7

Jon Royset (2 pts) vs. Moshe Tissona (5 pts) (Match to 25)

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Match Information

Jon Royset's rating: 0 (Exp 0)
Moshe Tissona's rating: 0 (Exp 0)
Date: July 13, 2003
Event: World Championship 2003
Round: Final
Place: Monte Carlo
Annotator: Casper van der Tak, Chuck Bower, Alex Zamanian, Tom Suzanski, Christian Toth and GNU 0.14


Casper van der Tak:


In another complicated game with many difficult play decisions on both sides, Royset gains an early advantage and doubles somewhat prematurely. His dice cooperate however and he pins Tissona down in an ace-point game. Tissona is forced to break up his board and loses. Score: 5-4 Tissona.

Move number 1: Moshe Tissona to play 51

|5O ' ' '3X '5X ' ' ' '2O|
|   |
|      |  51  |
|5X ' ' '3O '|   |5O ' ' ' '2X|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 167, Moshe Tissona 167
Position ID: 4HPwATDgc/ABMA Match ID: cIgmAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 24/23 13/8

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 24/23 13/8 +0.011
  50.9% 13.8% 0.5% - 49.1% 12.9% 0.4%  
  2 2 13/8 6/5 -0.018 ( -0.028)
  50.3% 14.0% 0.6% - 49.7% 13.7% 0.6%  
  3 2 24/18 -0.038 ( -0.049)
  50.3% 12.1% 0.5% - 49.7% 13.6% 0.4%  
  4 2 13/7 -0.087 ( -0.098)
  48.5% 13.5% 0.6% - 51.5% 14.3% 0.6%  
  5 2 24/23 8/3 -0.192 ( -0.203)
  46.2% 12.8% 0.5% - 53.8% 16.2% 0.7%  

Move number 2: Jon Royset to play 52

|4O ' ' '3X '5X ' ' '1O1O|
|   |
|  52  |      |
|5X ' ' '4O '|   |5O ' ' ' '2X|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 167, Moshe Tissona 161
Position ID: 4PPgASjgc/ABMA Match ID: MIEqAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 24/22 13/8

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 24/22 13/8 -0.067
  48.0% 11.6% 0.3% - 52.0% 14.2% 0.4%  
  2 2 13/11 13/8 -0.085 ( -0.018)
  47.2% 12.6% 0.4% - 52.8% 15.0% 0.6%  
  3 2 13/11 6/1* -0.093 ( -0.026)
  47.1% 13.1% 0.4% - 52.9% 15.8% 0.8%  
  4 2 24/22 6/1* -0.107 ( -0.040)
  46.8% 11.7% 0.4% - 53.2% 14.8% 0.5%  
  5 2 13/6 -0.131 ( -0.064)
  46.1% 11.9% 0.3% - 53.9% 15.3% 0.6%  

Move number 3: Moshe Tissona to play 66

|4O ' ' '4X '5X ' ' '1O1O|
|   |
|      |  66  |
|4X ' ' '4O '|   |5O ' '1X '1X|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 160, Moshe Tissona 161
Position ID: 4PPgASTg8+ABKA Match ID: cAk7AyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 13/7(2) 8/2(2)

# Ply Move Equity
1 R 13/7(2) 8/2(2) +0.199
54.9% 18.4% 0.6%- 45.1% 11.6% 0.5% +0.160 +0.199
0.2% 0.2% 0.0%- 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.005 0.013
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175151744  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  2 R 13/1*(2) +0.183 ( -0.015)
54.7% 17.8% 0.5%- 45.3% 11.0% 0.3% +0.157 +0.183
0.2% 0.2% 0.1%- 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.005 0.011
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175151744  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  3 R 13/7(4) +0.146 ( -0.052)
53.8% 15.2% 0.6%- 46.2% 10.2% 0.3% +0.123 +0.146
0.2% 0.2% 0.1%- 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.005 0.012
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175151744  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  4 2 13/1* 8/2(2) +0.103 ( -0.096)
  52.5% 17.7% 0.5% - 47.5% 12.5% 0.3%  
  5 2 24/18 13/7(3) +0.100 ( -0.098)
  53.4% 14.6% 0.5% - 46.6% 11.9% 0.3%  

Casper van der Tak: This is a close decision. 13/1*(2) puts Royset on the bar, while 13/7(2) 8/2(2) makes two better quality points. Without other targets, the quality of the points wins out narrowly.

Bots: Snowie liked the move played, but GNU thought 13/1*(2) was slightly better.

Move number 4: Jon Royset to play 22

|2O ' ' '4X '5X ' ' '1O1O|
|   |
|  22  |      |
|4X ' ' '2O2O|   |5O ' '1X2O1X|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 160, Moshe Tissona 137
Position ID: hm+DASjg8+ABJA Match ID: MAEpAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 24/22 8/4 6/4

Alert: lucky roll! ( +0.314)

# Ply Move Equity
  1 2 24/22 13/11 6/4(2) +0.145
  52.9% 14.5% 0.4% - 47.1% 12.0% 0.3%  
2 2 24/22 8/4 6/4 +0.125 ( -0.020)
  52.0% 14.6% 0.4% - 48.0% 11.3% 0.3%  
  3 2 24/22 6/4(3) +0.035 ( -0.110)
  49.9% 13.1% 0.3% - 50.1% 12.3% 0.3%  
  4 2 13/11(2) 6/4(2) -0.007 ( -0.152)
  50.8% 14.8% 0.7% - 49.2% 20.0% 0.6%  
  5 2 24/20 22/20 13/11 -0.016 ( -0.160)
  48.6% 10.2% 0.2% - 51.5% 9.9% 0.2%  

Casper van der Tak: 24/22 6/4(2) is as good as forced. After that, I am surprised that 13/11 would be better than 8/6, afterall, 8/6 balances the position and leaves no shots, while 13/11 leaves 6 shots and starts stripping the midpoint which seems a high price to pay for an additional builder.

Move number 5: Moshe Tissona to play 63

|2O ' ' '3X '4X '2X '1O1O|
|   |
|      |  63  |
|4X ' ' '2O2O|   |5O ' '2X2O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 152, Moshe Tissona 137
Position ID: mOfgAQyGb4MBKA Match ID: cAkvAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 24/15

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 24/15 -0.155
  48.0% 11.8% 0.3% - 52.0% 16.6% 0.4%  
  2 2 23/14 -0.179 ( -0.024)
  46.8% 11.1% 0.2% - 53.2% 15.2% 0.3%  
  3 2 24/18 23/20 -0.262 ( -0.107)
  45.4% 11.2% 0.2% - 54.6% 17.7% 0.4%  
  4 2 13/10 13/7 -0.274 ( -0.119)
  43.7% 11.9% 0.2% - 56.3% 15.3% 0.4%  
  5 2 23/20 13/7 -0.274 ( -0.119)
  43.6% 11.9% 0.3% - 56.4% 16.1% 0.5%  

Casper van der Tak: Alert play by Tissona. Some 3s already play well for Royset (31, 53), while Royset does not have particularly productive 2s. An additional advantage of 24/15 over 23/14 is that 65, not a particularly productive roll, plays much better for Royset after 23/14 than after 24/15.

Move number 6: Jon Royset to play 31

|2O '1O '3X '4X '2X '1O '|
|   |
|  31  |      |
|4X ' ' '2O2O|   |5O ' '2X2O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 152, Moshe Tissona 128
Position ID: hm+DCRCY5+ABDA Match ID: MIElAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 13/10*/9

# Ply Move Equity
  1 R 13/10* 8/7 +0.366
57.6% 17.6% 0.6%- 42.4% 11.1% 0.4% +0.230 +0.366
0.2% 0.2% 0.1%- 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.005 0.013
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175151744  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
2 R 13/10*/9 +0.332 ( -0.034)
56.7% 17.6% 0.5%- 43.3% 10.0% 0.4% +0.221 +0.332
0.2% 0.2% 0.1%- 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.005 0.014
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175151744  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  3 R 13/10* 6/5 +0.331 ( -0.035)
56.8% 17.0% 0.5%- 43.2% 12.4% 0.5% +0.194 +0.331
0.2% 0.2% 0.1%- 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.006 0.015
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175151744  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  4 R 8/5 6/5 +0.331 ( -0.035)
56.9% 15.6% 0.4%- 43.1% 8.5% 0.4% +0.218 +0.331
0.2% 0.2% 0.1%- 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.005 0.012
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175151744  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  5 2 22/21 13/10* +0.160 ( -0.207)
  54.0% 17.0% 0.7% - 46.0% 16.8% 0.7%  

Casper van der Tak: The duplication of 31 is very real; does Royset want the hit or the point?

When I saw this position, I figured that hitting was clear. After 13/10*, 10/9 seemed like the easy ace. Hitting turns out to better in the rollouts, but it is not as clear as I thought, and the ace is not right. 8/7 turns out a bit better than 10/9. I still don't quite see it.– There is some duplication of 5s, but getting hit seems costly, and it is 11 hits vs. 4 hits. To me, it seems too high a price to pay for additional point-making opportunities.

I have no reason to believe that the rollout is wrong, so 8/7 must be better than 10/9, but know that I'd play 10/9 unless I had gained a better understanding through manual rollouts.

Bots: Snowie thought the move played was a mistake and suggested 13/10* 6/5 as the best play, whereas GNU thought 8/5 6/5 was best.

Move number 7: Moshe Tissona to play 63

|2O ' '1X3X '4X '2X '1O '|
|   |
|      |  63  |
|3X ' ' '2O2O|1 |5O ' '2X2O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 148, Moshe Tissona 138
Position ID: mOfCAQyGb4MBSA Match ID: cAkvAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves bar/16*

Alert: lucky roll! ( +0.392)

# Ply Move Equity
1 0 bar/16* +0.121
  54.6% 14.6% 0.3% - 45.4% 12.8% 0.2%  
  2 0 bar/22 13/7 -0.502 ( -0.623)
  38.2% 10.7% 0.2% - 61.8% 19.9% 0.6%  
  3 0 bar/22 8/2 -0.824 ( -0.945)
  33.8% 9.3% 0.2% - 66.2% 24.7% 0.8%  
  4 0 bar/22 7/1 -0.870 ( -0.991)
  33.5% 10.1% 0.2% - 66.5% 26.6% 1.1%  

Move number 8: Jon Royset to play 65

|2O ' '1O3X '4X '2X '1O '|
|1 |
|  65  |      |
|3X ' ' '2O2O|   |5O ' '2X2O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 164, Moshe Tissona 129
Position ID: hm+DERCY5+AARg Match ID: MAE3AyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves bar/20 8/2*

# Ply Move Equity
  1 2 bar/14 -0.188
  44.0% 10.8% 0.2% - 56.0% 13.6% 0.4%  
2 2 bar/20 8/2* -0.195 ( -0.007)
  44.3% 13.0% 0.3% - 55.7% 16.8% 0.6%  
  3 2 bar/20 13/7 -0.300 ( -0.112)
  42.4% 10.7% 0.2% - 57.6% 17.9% 0.7%  
  4 0 bar/20 22/16 -0.541 ( -0.353)
  37.9% 10.3% 0.4% - 62.1% 28.0% 1.2%  

Casper van der Tak: Close between B/20 8/2* and 20/14. I guess I agree with Royset's play, which gives a better chance to get another shot at the checker that Tissona tries to bring across. 20/14 has the advantage of contesting outfield control and leaving the spare on the 8. Tough decision.

Move number 9: Moshe Tissona to play 65

|2O ' '1O2X '4X '2X '1X '|
|   |
|      |  65  |
|3X ' ' '2O2O|1 |5O1X '2X2O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 153, Moshe Tissona 131
Position ID: Ms/ggAyGb4MRQA Match ID: cAk3AyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves bar/14

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 bar/14 +0.172
  56.7% 13.9% 0.4% - 43.3% 13.3% 0.3%  
  2 2 bar/20 16/10 +0.077 ( -0.095)
  53.4% 16.4% 0.6% - 46.6% 15.0% 0.4%  
  3 2 bar/20 13/7 -0.026 ( -0.198)
  50.7% 15.9% 0.6% - 49.3% 16.5% 0.5%  
  4 0 bar/20 7/1 -0.374 ( -0.545)
  43.5% 14.0% 0.4% - 56.5% 24.9% 1.2%  
  5 0 bar/20 8/2 -0.379 ( -0.551)
  42.8% 12.7% 0.3% - 57.2% 23.0% 0.9%  

Move number 10: Jon Royset to play 62

|2O1O '1O2X '4X '2X '1X '|
|   |
|  62  |      |
|3X ' ' '2O2O|   |5O1X '2X2O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 153, Moshe Tissona 120
Position ID: hm+DJQAyz+CADA Match ID: MAErAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 13/11* 8/2

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 13/11* 8/2 +0.169
  50.7% 20.2% 0.5% - 49.3% 13.7% 0.5%  
  2 2 20/14 13/11* -0.132 ( -0.300)
  45.5% 14.4% 0.4% - 54.5% 16.8% 0.8%  
  3 0 13/11*/5 -0.242 ( -0.410)
  43.7% 13.8% 0.4% - 56.3% 20.8% 1.1%  
  4 0 22/16 13/11* -0.351 ( -0.520)
  42.2% 13.7% 0.5% - 57.8% 25.8% 2.1%  
  5 0 13/11* 13/7 -0.426 ( -0.595)
  40.3% 13.6% 0.4% - 59.7% 26.8% 2.6%  

Move number 11: Moshe Tissona to play 43

|2O1X '1O1X '4X '2X '2X '|
|   |
|      |  43  |
|2X ' ' '2O2O|1 |5O1X '2X2O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 145, Moshe Tissona 131
Position ID: Zp7IgAyGb4MRQA Match ID: cAkuAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves bar/22 6/2

# Ply Move Equity
  1 2 bar/18 -0.332
  45.6% 11.9% 0.4% - 54.4% 23.9% 0.6%  
2 2 bar/22 6/2 -0.404 ( -0.073)
  42.9% 12.6% 0.5% - 57.1% 25.3% 0.8%  
  3 0 bar/22 13/9 -1.000 ( -0.668)
  32.6% 10.4% 0.4% - 67.4% 41.2% 3.2%  
  4 0 bar/22 8/4 -1.000 ( -0.668)
  32.8% 10.3% 0.3% - 67.2% 41.6% 3.2%  

Casper van der Tak: Yuck. B/18 leaves the same number of blots, but the structure is a whole lot better.

Move number 12: Jon Royset doubles to 2

|2O1X '1O1X '4X '2X1O2X '|
|   |
| [2]  |      |
|2X ' ' '2O2O|   |4O1X '2X3O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 145, Moshe Tissona 124
Position ID: Dm+DEQhmnsiADA Match ID: MBkgAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona accepts

Alert: wrong double ( -0.057)!

Cube decision
2-ply cubeless equity +0.273 (Money: +0.271)
  57.1% 25.5% 0.8% - 42.9% 12.9% 0.6%
Cubeful equities:
1. No double +0.413  
2. Double, pass +1.000 (+0.587)
3. Double, take +0.357 (-0.057)
Proper cube action: No double, take (8.8%)


Casper van der Tak: But this is pushing it! Royset's advantage is the better board and the initiative, but Tissona is not yet on the bar, and Tissona leads by 21 pips. Since Royset has only a three-point board and 10 checkers in the zone with three back checkers, a blitz will be difficult to run and complete. No double and easy take.

Move number 13: Jon Royset to play 41

|2O1X '1O1X '4X '2X1O2X '|
|   |
|  41  |      |
|2X ' ' '2O2O|   |4O1X '2X3O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 145, Moshe Tissona 124
Position ID: Dm+DEQhmnsiADA Match ID: EQEmAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 13/9*/8

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 13/9*/8 +0.124
  56.8% 22.5% 0.7% - 43.2% 12.8% 0.5%  
  2 2 8/3* -0.058 ( -0.182)
  51.1% 21.1% 0.6% - 48.9% 16.5% 0.7%  
  3 2 13/9* 11/10 -0.075 ( -0.199)
  51.3% 20.8% 0.6% - 48.7% 18.6% 1.3%  
  4 2 13/9* 8/7 -0.088 ( -0.212)
  50.9% 20.6% 0.6% - 49.1% 19.1% 1.4%  
  5 2 22/21 13/9* -0.144 ( -0.269)
  49.9% 21.3% 0.9% - 50.1% 23.2% 3.6%  

Move number 14: Moshe Tissona to play 61

|2O1X ' '2X '4X '2X1O2X '|
|   |
|      |  61  |
|1X ' ' '2O2O|1 |4O1X '2X3O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 140, Moshe Tissona 133
Position ID: Zp6RgAwOb4MBRA Match ID: UQknAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves bar/24 22/16

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 bar/24 22/16 -0.185
  42.5% 11.3% 0.4% - 57.5% 25.3% 0.8%  
  2 2 bar/18 -0.301 ( -0.116)
  39.4% 11.6% 0.5% - 60.6% 29.7% 1.0%  
  3 2 bar/24 13/7 -0.356 ( -0.171)
  36.3% 10.3% 0.4% - 63.7% 26.5% 1.3%  
  4 0 bar/24 8/2 -0.602 ( -0.417)
  30.2% 7.7% 0.2% - 69.8% 33.9% 1.9%  
  5 0 bar/24 7/1 -0.602 ( -0.417)
  30.9% 8.8% 0.2% - 69.1% 36.0% 2.3%  

Move number 15: Jon Royset to play 11

|2O1X '1O2X '4X '2X '2X1O|
|   |
|  11  |      |
|1X ' ' '2O2O|   |4O1X '2X3O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 140, Moshe Tissona 126
Position ID: Dm+DESBmnpGADA Match ID: EYEkAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 11/9* 6/5(2)

Alert: lucky roll! ( +0.412)

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 11/9* 6/5(2) +0.622
  71.2% 34.0% 1.3% - 28.8% 8.5% 0.4%  
  2 2 11/9* 2/1*(2) +0.476 ( -0.145)
  65.2% 35.1% 0.8% - 34.8% 9.8% 0.3%  
  3 2 6/5(2) 2/1*(2) +0.431 ( -0.191)
  64.0% 33.5% 0.9% - 36.0% 10.1% 0.4%  
  4 0 11/9* 8/7(2) +0.233 ( -0.389)
  60.2% 24.5% 0.8% - 39.8% 12.0% 0.4%  
  5 0 22/20 11/9* +0.212 ( -0.409)
  59.5% 23.0% 0.9% - 40.5% 10.7% 0.3%  

Move number 16: Moshe Tissona to play 65

|2O ' '1X2X '2X2X2X '2X1O|
|   |
|      |  65  |
|1X ' ' '2O2O|1 |4O1X '2X3O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 136, Moshe Tissona 135
Position ID: ZpuFgAwOb4MBUA Match ID: UQk3AyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona cannot move

# Ply Move Equity
   Cannot move 

Move number 17: Jon Royset to play 66

|2O ' '1X2X '2X2X2X '2X1O|
|   |
|  66  |      |
|1X ' ' '2O2O|1 |4O1X '2X3O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 136, Moshe Tissona 135
Position ID: Dm+DAVBmm4WADA Match ID: EQE7AyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 22/16(2) 20/8

Alert: bad move ( -0.084)

# Ply Move Equity
  1 R 22/10 13/1* +0.963
78.4% 49.5% 1.0%- 21.6% 6.0% 0.6% +1.038 +0.963
0.2% 0.2% 0.1%- 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.005 0.006
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175151744  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  2 R 22/16(2) 13/1* +0.952 ( -0.011)
78.5% 47.9% 0.9%- 21.5% 5.9% 0.3% +1.028 +0.952
0.2% 0.2% 0.1%- 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.005 0.007
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175151744  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  3 R 22/16 20/14 13/1* +0.952 ( -0.011)
78.4% 48.7% 1.1%- 21.6% 6.5% 0.6% +1.026 +0.952
0.2% 0.2% 0.1%- 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.005 0.007
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175151744  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  4 R 22/16(2) 20/14 13/7 +0.897 ( -0.066)
80.8% 35.0% 1.0%- 19.2% 3.9% 0.2% +0.957 +0.897
0.2% 0.2% 0.1%- 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.004 0.005
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175151744  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
5 R 22/16(2) 20/8 +0.880 ( -0.084)
80.9% 32.7% 1.1%- 19.1% 3.3% 0.2% +0.942 +0.880
0.2% 0.2% 0.1%- 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.004 0.005
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175151744  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  

Casper van der Tak: No matter what Royset does, his first two 6s should be 13/1* to put a second checker up against a 4 point board. After 22/10, he will have 13 checkers in the zone, meaning that he can with stand one hit and still be able to close-out Tissona with the material already at hand. The text play is much too soft.

Move number 18: Moshe Tissona to play 61

|2O ' '1X3X '2X2X2X '2X1O|
|   |
|      |  61  |
|1X ' '2X2O2O|1 |4O ' ' '3O '|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 112, Moshe Tissona 135
Position ID: ZpsLMQAOb4MBUA Match ID: UQknAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves bar/24 7/1

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 bar/24 7/1 -0.741
  18.1% 2.8% 0.0% - 81.9% 17.2% 0.7%  
  2 2 bar/24 8/2 -0.775 ( -0.034)
  17.4% 2.1% 0.0% - 82.6% 18.3% 0.7%  
  3 2 bar/24 13/7 -0.861 ( -0.120)
  15.8% 1.8% 0.0% - 84.2% 22.6% 1.0%  
  4 2 bar/18 -0.958 ( -0.217)
  19.2% 3.9% 0.1% - 80.8% 41.4% 1.1%  

Move number 19: Jon Royset to play 61

|2O ' '1X3X '2X2X2X '2X2O|
|   |
|  61  |      |
|1X ' '2X2O1O|   |4O ' ' '3O1O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 112, Moshe Tissona 128
Position ID: HV6DATBmmwsxAA Match ID: EQEnAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 13/7 8/7

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 13/7 8/7 +0.886
  87.1% 18.8% 0.6% - 12.9% 1.6% 0.0%  
  2 2 13/6 +0.744 ( -0.142)
  80.8% 19.4% 0.7% - 19.2% 2.1% 0.0%  
  3 2 16/9 +0.729 ( -0.158)
  80.2% 20.2% 1.2% - 19.8% 3.8% 0.1%  
  4 2 16/15 16/10 +0.697 ( -0.189)
  79.0% 21.3% 1.4% - 21.0% 5.8% 0.2%  
  5 2 13/7 9/8 +0.692 ( -0.194)
  78.5% 20.6% 0.8% - 21.5% 3.6% 0.1%  

Move number 20: Moshe Tissona to play 31

|2O ' '1X2X2X2X2X2X '2X2O|
|   |
|      |  31  |
| ' ' '2X2O1O|   |4O ' ' '3O1O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 105, Moshe Tissona 128
Position ID: ZtsWMAAdXoMBMA Match ID: UYklAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 8/5 6/5

# Ply Move Equity
  1 2 8/5 2/1 -0.799
  14.6% 2.1% 0.0% - 85.4% 14.0% 0.6%  
  2 2 6/3 2/1 -0.800 ( -0.002)
  14.8% 2.2% 0.0% - 85.2% 14.7% 0.6%  
  3 2 7/4 2/1 -0.803 ( -0.005)
  14.6% 2.1% 0.0% - 85.4% 14.5% 0.5%  
4 2 8/5 6/5 -0.807 ( -0.009)
  14.6% 2.0% 0.0% - 85.4% 14.8% 0.6%  
  5 2 6/5 6/3 -0.840 ( -0.041)
  13.4% 1.9% 0.0% - 86.6% 15.1% 0.6%  

Casper van der Tak: Put your checkers where they belong! The ugly third checker on the 2 belongs on the ace. Tissona has the chance to move it there, so he should grab the chance to do so. After that, both 8/5 and 6/3 have merit. I'd play 8/5, but the plays are essentially equal.

Move number 21: Jon Royset to play 61

|2O ' '1X2X2X2X2X2X '2X2O|
|   |
|  61  |      |
| ' ' '2X1O1O|   |3O2O ' '3O1O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 105, Moshe Tissona 124
Position ID: HbuCATBm2xYwAA Match ID: EQEnAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 16/9

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 16/9 +0.868
  87.9% 14.8% 0.4% - 12.1% 0.9% 0.0%  
  2 2 16/15 16/10 +0.840 ( -0.029)
  85.4% 18.5% 1.1% - 14.6% 2.8% 0.1%  
  3 2 16/10 9/8 +0.816 ( -0.052)
  85.1% 16.7% 0.7% - 14.9% 2.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 9/3 8/7 +0.815 ( -0.053)
  83.1% 23.2% 1.0% - 16.9% 5.1% 0.1%  
  5 2 16/10 8/7 +0.807 ( -0.062)
  82.8% 22.1% 1.7% - 17.2% 4.8% 0.2%  

Move number 22: Moshe Tissona to play 53

|2O ' '2X2X2X2X2X2X '2X2O|
|   |
|      |  53  |
| ' ' '1X1O1O|   |3O2O ' '3O1O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 98, Moshe Tissona 124
Position ID: Zts2IAAdu4IBMA Match ID: UYkuAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 8/3 6/3

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 8/3 6/3 -0.805
  13.2% 1.1% 0.0% - 86.8% 11.2% 0.4%  
  2 2 7/4 6/1 -0.821 ( -0.015)
  12.7% 1.0% 0.0% - 87.3% 11.6% 0.4%  
  3 2 8/3 7/4 -0.826 ( -0.020)
  12.8% 1.4% 0.0% - 87.2% 12.4% 0.6%  
  4 2 8/5 6/1 -0.832 ( -0.026)
  12.5% 0.9% 0.0% - 87.5% 12.1% 0.5%  
  5 2 6/3 6/1 -0.846 ( -0.041)
  14.0% 2.3% 0.0% - 86.0% 17.6% 0.9%  

Move number 23: Jon Royset to play 65

|2O ' '2X2X2X2X2X2X '2X2O|
|   |
|  65  |      |
| ' ' '1X '1O|   |2O2O '2O3O1O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 98, Moshe Tissona 116
Position ID: 3WyBATBm2zYgAA Match ID: EQE3AyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 9/3 8/3

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 9/3 8/3 +1.010
  91.9% 19.1% 0.5% - 8.1% 0.5% 0.0%  
  2 2 16/5 +0.830 ( -0.180)
  87.3% 12.4% 0.4% - 12.7% 0.8% 0.0%  
  3 2 16/10 9/4 +0.803 ( -0.206)
  85.9% 13.4% 0.5% - 14.1% 1.4% 0.0%  
  4 2 16/11 9/3 +0.769 ( -0.241)
  83.3% 18.0% 1.3% - 16.7% 5.0% 0.2%  
  5 2 16/11 8/2 +0.747 ( -0.263)
  83.6% 13.2% 0.5% - 16.4% 1.7% 0.0%  

Move number 24: Moshe Tissona to play 51

|2O ' '1X1X2X2X2X2X2X2X2O|
|   |
|      |  51  |
| ' ' '1X '1O|   |2O2O '2O3O1O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 87, Moshe Tissona 116
Position ID: tm0rIADdbIEBMA Match ID: UYkmAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 7/1

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 7/1 -0.959
  8.9% 0.5% 0.0% - 91.1% 16.0% 0.4%  
  2 2 6/5 6/1 -0.971 ( -0.012)
  8.2% 0.4% 0.0% - 91.8% 15.5% 0.4%  
  3 2 6/1 5/4 -0.972 ( -0.013)
  8.3% 0.4% 0.0% - 91.7% 15.8% 0.5%  
  4 2 6/1 2/1 -0.972 ( -0.013)
  8.3% 0.4% 0.0% - 91.7% 15.8% 0.4%  
  5 2 7/2 6/5 -0.990 ( -0.031)
  8.0% 0.4% 0.0% - 92.0% 16.9% 0.5%  

Move number 25: Jon Royset to play 41

|2O ' '1X1X2X2X2X2X2X2X2O|
|   |
|  41  |      |
| ' ' '1X ' '|   |2O2O '2O3O2O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 87, Moshe Tissona 110
Position ID: u9mAATC2bSsgAA Match ID: EQEmAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 9/4

# Ply Move Equity
  1 2 8/3 +1.023
  91.6% 20.9% 0.6% - 8.4% 0.4% 0.0%  
2 2 9/4 +1.023 ( -0.000)
  91.8% 20.5% 0.5% - 8.2% 0.4% 0.0%  
  3 2 9/5 8/7 +1.023 ( -0.001)
  91.9% 20.2% 0.5% - 8.1% 0.4% 0.0%  
  4 2 16/15 8/4 +1.016 ( -0.008)
  91.9% 19.6% 0.5% - 8.1% 0.4% 0.0%  
  5 2 16/15 9/5 +1.014 ( -0.009)
  92.0% 19.3% 0.5% - 8.0% 0.4% 0.0%  

Casper van der Tak: Now that Royset has a 6-prime he has no reason to move the checker on the 16 point. Royset hopes to pick up a third checker, which would increase his gammon chances, or more likely to force Tissona to play awkwardly to avoid shots – breaking his board and reducing his chances after a hit.

Therefore, Royset maintains an outside 6 so as not to be forced to run next turn. Royset also does not play 16/15, to maintain maximum contact. These considerations rule out 9/5 8/7 and 9/5 16/15. There are two remaining contenders: 9/4 and 8/3. I'd play 9/4, keeping the spare higher in the board.

The differences between the plays are not very big because Royset can only conveniently stay next turn on 61 and 62.

Move number 26: Moshe Tissona to play 21

|2O ' ' '1X2X2X2X3X2X2X2O|
|   |
|      |  21  |
| ' ' '1X ' '|   |2O2O '2O3O2O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 82, Moshe Tissona 110
Position ID: ttsWIAC72YABMA Match ID: UQklAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 6/4 2/1

# Ply Move Equity
  1 2 6/4 5/4 -0.913
  10.3% 0.6% 0.0% - 89.7% 14.7% 0.5%  
  2 2 6/5 6/4 -0.917 ( -0.004)
  10.2% 0.6% 0.0% - 89.8% 15.0% 0.5%  
  3 2 6/3 -0.924 ( -0.010)
  9.9% 0.6% 0.0% - 90.1% 15.0% 0.4%  
4 2 6/4 2/1 -0.927 ( -0.014)
  10.1% 0.5% 0.0% - 89.9% 15.6% 0.5%  
  5 2 5/4 5/3 -0.933 ( -0.020)
  9.5% 0.5% 0.0% - 90.5% 14.9% 0.4%  

Casper van der Tak: Tissona has two objectives here: buying time to prevent being forced to leave a shot on the midpoint, and maintaining as much as possible of his board. His play saves one 5 and two 4s, so he significantly reduces the chances of being forced to leave a shot on the midpoint. However, his play isn't as good for maintaining the board. If he needs to play a 5 and a 4 inside his board, he will only have a three-point board left. Best is 6/4 5/4, which saves a 5 and a 4 in case one is needed, and crunches down to the lowest four point board possible, which is the board you will be able to maintain the longest. A case of crunching from the back.

Having both the 6 and 5 slotted also means that it is possible to rebuild the board as soon as possible.

Move number 27: Jon Royset to play 41

|2O ' ' '1X2X2X2X3X2X2X2O|
|   |
|  41  |      |
| ' ' '1X ' '|   |1O2O1O2O2O3O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 82, Moshe Tissona 107
Position ID: t7WAATC22xYgAA Match ID: EQEmAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 8/3

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 8/3 +1.011
  91.7% 19.5% 0.5% - 8.3% 0.3% 0.0%  
  2 2 16/15 8/4 +0.976 ( -0.035)
  91.0% 17.7% 0.4% - 9.0% 0.3% 0.0%  
  3 2 16/11 +0.944 ( -0.067)
  91.9% 12.8% 0.2% - 8.1% 0.2% 0.0%  
  4 2 7/6 7/3 +0.902 ( -0.109)
  85.0% 24.3% 1.2% - 15.0% 1.7% 0.0%  
  5 2 8/4 7/6 +0.680 ( -0.331)
  75.7% 26.6% 1.9% - 24.3% 5.9% 0.1%  

Move number 28: Moshe Tissona to play 51

|2O ' ' ' '2X2X2X3X3X2X2O|
|   |
|      |  51  |
| ' ' '1X ' '|   |1O2O1O2O2O3O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 77, Moshe Tissona 107
Position ID: drcNIAC3tYABMA Match ID: UYkmAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 6/1 4/3

# Ply Move Equity
  1 R 6/1 5/4 -0.931
9.4% 0.1% 0.0%- 90.6% 14.5% 0.4% -0.966 -0.949
0.1% 0.0% 0.0%- 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.003 0.004
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175191424  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
2 R 6/1 4/3 -0.970 ( -0.039)
8.0% 0.1% 0.0%- 92.0% 15.0% 0.5% -0.999 -0.988
0.1% 0.0% 0.0%- 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.003 0.004
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175191424  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  3 2 13/12 13/8 -1.005 ( -0.074)
  9.6% 0.3% 0.0% - 90.4% 21.1% 1.1%  
  4 2 13/8 6/5 -1.010 ( -0.078)
  9.5% 0.3% 0.0% - 90.5% 21.5% 1.1%  
  5 2 13/8 5/4 -1.016 ( -0.085)
  9.5% 0.3% 0.0% - 90.5% 21.9% 1.2%  

Casper van der Tak: The same principle applies here, and 6/1 5/4 is better than 6/1 4/3. The difference is more considerable than one would think, but leaving the 5 slotted allows some sequences in which Tissona has a 5-point board when hitting an early shot.

Move number 29: Jon Royset to play 66

|2O ' ' ' '2X2X2X3X3X2X2O|
|   |
|  66  |      |
| ' ' '1X ' '|   | '2O '3O2O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 77, Moshe Tissona 101
Position ID: b2eAATB2tw0gAA Match ID: EQE7AyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 16/4

# Ply Move Equity
1 0 16/4 +1.028
  92.6% 18.7% 0.4% - 7.4% 0.1% 0.0%  

Move number 30: Moshe Tissona to play 53

|2O ' ' ' '2X2X2X4X3X2X2O|
|   |
|      |  53  |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   | '2O '3O2O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 65, Moshe Tissona 101
Position ID: dm8bAABvZ4ABMA Match ID: UYkuAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 13/10 13/8

# Ply Move Equity
  1 2 13/5 -0.967
  7.7% 0.1% 0.0% - 92.3% 13.8% 0.5%  
2 2 13/10 13/8 -0.970 ( -0.002)
  7.8% 0.1% 0.0% - 92.2% 14.0% 0.6%  
  3 2 13/8 5/2 -1.019 ( -0.052)
  6.5% 0.1% 0.0% - 93.5% 16.0% 0.6%  

Move number 31: Jon Royset to play 21

| ' ' ' ' '2X2X2X4X3X2X2O|
|   |
|  21  |      |
| ' '1O '1O '|   | '2O '3O2O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 65, Moshe Tissona 93
Position ID: b2ckADB2bxsAAA Match ID: EQElAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 7/6 7/5

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 7/6 7/5 +1.034
  93.8% 16.8% 0.5% - 6.2% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 4/3 4/2 +0.931 ( -0.103)
  91.6% 12.2% 0.2% - 8.4% 0.2% 0.0%  
  3 2 7/6 4/2 +0.929 ( -0.105)
  88.1% 19.6% 0.6% - 11.9% 0.4% 0.0%  
  4 2 4/2 3/2 +0.926 ( -0.108)
  91.5% 11.9% 0.2% - 8.5% 0.2% 0.0%  
  5 2 6/5 6/4 +0.881 ( -0.154)
  90.1% 10.5% 0.2% - 9.9% 0.1% 0.0%  

Move number 32: Moshe Tissona to play 62

| ' ' ' ' ' '3X3X4X3X2X2O|
|   |
|      |  62  |
| ' '1O '1O '|   | '2O '3O2O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 62, Moshe Tissona 93
Position ID: du8OAABvZyQAMA Match ID: UQkrAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 10/2

# Ply Move Equity
  1 2 10/4 8/6 -1.071
  4.9% 0.0% 0.0% - 95.1% 17.3% 0.6%  
2 2 10/2 -1.082 ( -0.011)
  4.6% 0.0% 0.0% - 95.4% 17.7% 0.5%  
  3 2 10/4 3/1 -1.087 ( -0.016)
  4.8% 0.0% 0.0% - 95.2% 18.5% 0.7%  
  4 2 10/4 5/3 -1.095 ( -0.024)
  4.5% 0.0% 0.0% - 95.5% 18.8% 0.6%  
  5 2 8/2 3/1 -1.100 ( -0.029)
  4.5% 0.0% 0.0% - 95.5% 19.1% 0.7%  

Move number 33: Jon Royset to play 61

| ' ' ' ' ' '3X3X4X3X2X2O|
|   |
|  61  |      |
| ' ' ' '1O '|   | '2O '3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 62, Moshe Tissona 85
Position ID: 784IADB27w4AAA Match ID: EQEnAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 6/off 3/2

# Ply Move Equity
  1 2 6/off 4/3 +1.061
  95.2% 16.2% 0.5% - 4.8% 0.0% 0.0%  
2 2 6/off 3/2 +1.049 ( -0.012)
  94.7% 16.3% 0.5% - 5.3% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 6/off 5/4 +1.025 ( -0.036)
  94.5% 14.4% 0.4% - 5.5% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 6/5 6/off +0.800 ( -0.261)
  85.6% 12.8% 0.3% - 14.4% 0.0% 0.0%  

Casper van der Tak: Another small technical issue, 6/off 4/3 does not leave an ugly stripped 3-point compared to 6/off 3/2. Stripping the 2-point is not as bad since Royset has more time to rectify this before it harms him.

Move number 34: Moshe Tissona to play 64

| ' ' ' ' ' '2X3X4X2X3X2O|
|   |
|      |  64  |
| ' ' ' '1O '|   | '2O '3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 55, Moshe Tissona 85
Position ID: bu8GAIB3ZwQAGA Match ID: UQkzAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 24/18 8/4

# Ply Move Equity
  1 R 24/14 -0.983
5.2% 0.0% 0.0%- 94.8% 10.2% 0.1% -1.003 -1.001
0.1% 0.0% 0.0%- 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.002 0.003
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175191424  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
2 R 24/18 8/4 -1.017 ( -0.033)
5.3% 0.0% 0.0%- 94.7% 13.6% 0.1% -1.035 -1.033
0.1% 0.0% 0.0%- 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.002 0.003
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175191424  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  3 R 24/18 5/1 -1.112 ( -0.128)
3.7% 0.0% 0.0%- 96.3% 18.8% 0.2% -1.122 -1.128
0.1% 0.0% 0.0%- 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.003 0.003
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175191424  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  4 R 8/2 5/1 -1.115 ( -0.132)
3.6% 0.0% 0.0%- 96.4% 18.7% 0.4% -1.125 -1.131
0.1% 0.0% 0.0%- 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.002 0.002
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1175191424  
  Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  
  Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]  

Casper van der Tak: Wasting pips may cost Tissona the gammon if he gets pointed on, and the home board blot is also a mixed blessing. While it can sometimes be covered before hitting a shot, in most cases it will be there to be picked up at the wrong time. 24/14 is better.

Move number 35: Jon Royset to play 21

| ' ' ' ' '1O2X3X4X2X3X1O|
|   |
|  21  |      |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   | '2O1O3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 55, Moshe Tissona 75
Position ID: 764BQCBu7wYAAA Match ID: EQElAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 4/3 2/off

# Ply Move Equity
  1 2 4/1* +0.962
  89.6% 19.6% 0.3% - 10.4% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 5/3 2/1* +0.947 ( -0.015)
  89.6% 18.2% 0.2% - 10.4% 0.0% 0.0%  
3 2 4/3 2/off +0.943 ( -0.019)
  94.8% 6.0% 0.1% - 5.2% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 6/5 6/4 +0.899 ( -0.064)
  94.4% 2.8% 0.0% - 5.6% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 5/4 2/off +0.887 ( -0.075)
  93.3% 4.1% 0.0% - 6.7% 0.0% 0.0%  

Casper van der Tak: I think Royset can play more aggressively for the gammon: 4/1* Even after Tissona hits and Royset dance, Royset remains a favorite, and the play picks up a lot of additional gammons. Not clear cut, but I believe the more aggressive play is better.

Move number 36: Moshe Tissona to play 41

| ' ' ' ' '1O2X3X3X3X2X1O|
|   |
|      |  41  |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   | '2O1O3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 52, Moshe Tissona 75
Position ID: dncDAMC7awAQCA Match ID: UQkmAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 18/13

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 18/13 -1.013
  4.3% 0.0% 0.0% - 95.7% 10.7% 0.2%  
  2 2 18/14 5/4 -1.021 ( -0.008)
  4.7% 0.0% 0.0% - 95.3% 12.3% 0.3%  
  3 2 18/14 4/3 -1.022 ( -0.009)
  3.9% 0.0% 0.0% - 96.1% 10.9% 0.2%  
  4 2 18/14 3/2 -1.036 ( -0.022)
  4.5% 0.0% 0.0% - 95.5% 13.4% 0.3%  
  5 2 18/14 2/1 -1.036 ( -0.023)
  4.5% 0.0% 0.0% - 95.5% 13.3% 0.3%  

Move number 37: Jon Royset to play 41

|1O ' ' ' ' '2X3X3X3X2X1O|
|   |
|  41  |      |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   | '2O1O3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 52, Moshe Tissona 70
Position ID: 764BAiB2dwMAAA Match ID: EQEmAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 5/1*/off

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 5/1*/off +1.013
  96.0% 10.2% 0.1% - 4.0% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 6/5 6/2 +0.922 ( -0.091)
  95.6% 2.2% 0.0% - 4.4% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 5/off +0.920 ( -0.092)
  94.9% 3.6% 0.0% - 5.1% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 4/off 3/2 +0.877 ( -0.135)
  93.1% 3.6% 0.1% - 6.9% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 5/1* 3/2 +0.875 ( -0.137)
  89.0% 12.4% 0.2% - 11.0% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 38: Moshe Tissona to play 31

|1O ' ' ' ' '2X2X3X3X2X '|
|   |
|      |  31  |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|1 | '2O1O3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 47, Moshe Tissona 71
Position ID: drcBAODdNUAACA Match ID: UYklAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves bar/24 13/10

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 bar/24 13/10 -0.987
  3.9% 0.0% 0.0% - 96.1% 7.3% 0.1%  
  2 2 bar/24 4/1 -1.020 ( -0.033)
  3.5% 0.0% 0.0% - 96.5% 9.7% 0.2%  
  3 2 bar/24 5/2 -1.064 ( -0.077)
  4.1% 0.0% 0.0% - 96.0% 15.1% 0.2%  

Move number 39: Jon Royset to play 21

| ' ' ' ' ' '2X2X3X3X2X1O|
|   |
|  21  |      |
| ' '1O ' ' '|   | '2O1O3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 47, Moshe Tissona 67
Position ID: 765BACB2twEAAA Match ID: EQElAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 3/1*/off

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 3/1*/off +0.999
  96.1% 8.6% 0.1% - 3.9% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 6/5 6/4 +0.937 ( -0.063)
  96.2% 2.4% 0.0% - 3.8% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 3/off +0.932 ( -0.067)
  95.6% 3.3% 0.1% - 4.4% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 4/2 3/2 +0.878 ( -0.121)
  93.8% 2.0% 0.0% - 6.2% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 4/1* +0.877 ( -0.122)
  90.2% 9.9% 0.2% - 9.8% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 40: Moshe Tissona to play 31

| ' ' ' ' ' '2X2X3X2X2X '|
|   |
|      |  31  |
| ' '1O ' ' '|1 | '2O1O3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 44, Moshe Tissona 68
Position ID: ttsAAPDuGgQABA Match ID: UYklAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves bar/24 10/7

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 bar/24 10/7 -0.964
  3.6% 0.0% 0.0% - 96.4% 4.5% 0.1%  
  2 2 bar/24 4/1 -0.997 ( -0.033)
  3.1% 0.0% 0.0% - 97.0% 6.5% 0.1%  
  3 2 bar/24 5/2 -1.005 ( -0.041)
  3.7% 0.0% 0.0% - 96.3% 8.7% 0.1%  

Move number 41: Jon Royset to play 41

| ' ' ' ' ' '2X2X3X2X2X1O|
|   |
|  41  |      |
| ' ' ' ' '1O|   | '2O1O3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 44, Moshe Tissona 64
Position ID: 764JACC22wAAAA Match ID: EQEmAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 6/5 6/2

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 6/5 6/2 +0.967
  97.3% 2.9% 0.0% - 2.7% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 5/4 5/1* +0.759 ( -0.208)
  87.0% 5.8% 0.1% - 13.0% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 6/5 4/off +0.755 ( -0.213)
  87.0% 5.4% 0.1% - 13.0% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 5/off +0.741 ( -0.226)
  86.4% 5.4% 0.1% - 13.6% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 5/1*/off +0.732 ( -0.235)
  84.5% 8.8% 0.2% - 15.5% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 42: Moshe Tissona to play 65

| ' ' ' ' ' ' '3X3X2X3X1O|
|   |
|      |  65  |
| ' ' ' ' '1O|   | '2O1O3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 39, Moshe Tissona 64
Position ID: bncAAPDumgAAAg Match ID: UQk3AyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 24/13

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 24/13 -0.975
  1.1% 0.0% 0.0% - 98.9% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 24/18 7/2 -0.979 ( -0.003)
  1.0% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.0% 0.1% 0.0%  
  3 2 24/19 7/1 -0.984 ( -0.009)
  0.8% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.2% 0.2% 0.0%  

Move number 43: Jon Royset to play 41

|1O ' ' ' ' ' '3X3X2X3X '|
|   |
|  41  |      |
| ' ' ' ' '1O|   | '2O1O3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 39, Moshe Tissona 53
Position ID: 764JBABudwAAAA Match ID: EQEmAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 4/off 2/1

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 4/off 2/1 +0.959
  98.2% 0.0% 0.0% - 1.8% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 5/off +0.953 ( -0.006)
  97.9% 0.0% 0.0% - 2.1% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 5/1 2/1 +0.948 ( -0.011)
  97.7% 0.0% 0.0% - 2.3% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 4/3 4/off +0.947 ( -0.012)
  97.7% 0.0% 0.0% - 2.3% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 5/1 4/3 +0.942 ( -0.017)
  97.5% 0.0% 0.0% - 2.5% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 44: Moshe Tissona to play 51

|1O ' ' ' ' ' '3X2X2X2X1X|
|   |
|      |  51  |
| ' ' ' ' '1O|   | '2O1O3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 34, Moshe Tissona 53
Position ID: bTsAAHh3TSAAAA Match ID: UYkmAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 13/8 7/6

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 13/8 7/6 -0.979
  0.9% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.1% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 13/12 7/2 -0.985 ( -0.006)
  0.7% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.3% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 13/8 5/4 -0.989 ( -0.010)
  0.5% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.5% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 13/8 4/3 -0.990 ( -0.011)
  0.4% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.6% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 13/8 3/2 -0.990 ( -0.011)
  0.4% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.6% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 45: Jon Royset to play 21

| ' ' ' ' ' ' '3X2X2X2X1X|
|   |
|  21  |      |
| ' ' ' '1O '|   |1O2O1O3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 34, Moshe Tissona 47
Position ID: 764lAABtOwAAAA Match ID: EQElAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 2/off 1/off

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 2/off 1/off +0.945
  97.6% 0.0% 0.0% - 2.4% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 5/4 2/off +0.938 ( -0.007)
  97.3% 0.0% 0.0% - 2.7% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 3/off +0.936 ( -0.009)
  97.2% 0.0% 0.0% - 2.8% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 5/3 1/off +0.930 ( -0.015)
  96.9% 0.0% 0.0% - 3.1% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 4/2 1/off +0.927 ( -0.018)
  96.8% 0.0% 0.0% - 3.2% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 46: Moshe Tissona to play 32

| ' ' ' ' ' ' '3X2X2X1X '|
|   |
|      |  32  |
| ' ' ' '1O '|   |1O2O1O3O3O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 31, Moshe Tissona 47
Position ID: 2g4AAN5dSwAAAA Match ID: UYkpAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 8/5 2/off

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 8/5 2/off -0.969
  1.4% 0.0% 0.0% - 98.6% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 8/6 3/off -0.971 ( -0.002)
  1.3% 0.0% 0.0% - 98.7% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 8/3 -0.986 ( -0.018)
  0.6% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.4% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 8/5 6/4 -0.986 ( -0.018)
  0.6% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.4% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 6/4 5/2 -0.988 ( -0.019)
  0.5% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.5% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 47: Jon Royset to play 11

| ' ' ' ' ' ' '3X2X2X1X '|
|   |
|  11  |      |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   |1O3O1O3O2O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 31, Moshe Tissona 42
Position ID: b9cFAABtBwAAAA Match ID: EYEkAyAAKAAA

• Jon Royset moves 5/4 3/off

# Ply Move Equity
  1 2 3/off 2/1 +0.932
  97.0% 0.0% 0.0% - 3.0% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 4/off +0.930 ( -0.001)
  97.0% 0.0% 0.0% - 3.0% 0.0% 0.0%  
3 2 5/4 3/off +0.930 ( -0.001)
  97.0% 0.0% 0.0% - 3.0% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 5/3 2/off +0.927 ( -0.005)
  96.8% 0.0% 0.0% - 3.2% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 5/1 +0.925 ( -0.007)
  96.7% 0.0% 0.0% - 3.3% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 48: Moshe Tissona to play 41

| ' ' ' ' ' ' '2X3X1X1X '|
|   |
|      |  41  |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   |1O3O1O3O2O4O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 27, Moshe Tissona 42

• Moshe Tissona moves 4/off 1/off

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 4/off 1/off -0.964
  1.6% 0.0% 0.0% - 98.4% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 6/2 1/off -0.982 ( -0.018)
  0.8% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.2% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 5/off -0.982 ( -0.019)
  0.8% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.2% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 4/off 3/2 -0.984 ( -0.020)
  0.7% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.3% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 4/off 2/1 -0.985 ( -0.022)
  0.7% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.3% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 49: Jon Royset to play 21

| ' ' ' ' ' ' '2X3X1X1X '|
|   |
|  21  |      |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   |1O3O '3O2O3O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 27, Moshe Tissona 37

• Jon Royset moves 4/3 2/off

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 4/3 2/off +0.900
  95.6% 0.0% 0.0% - 4.4% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 3/off +0.896 ( -0.004)
  95.4% 0.0% 0.0% - 4.6% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 4/1 +0.891 ( -0.008)
  95.2% 0.0% 0.0% - 4.8% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 5/4 2/off +0.883 ( -0.017)
  94.8% 0.0% 0.0% - 5.2% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 4/3 4/2 +0.879 ( -0.021)
  94.7% 0.0% 0.0% - 5.3% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 50: Moshe Tissona to play 61

| ' ' ' ' ' ' '2X2X2X ' '|
|   |
|      |  61  |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   |1O3O '3O2O3O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 24, Moshe Tissona 37
Position ID: bAMAgNu5AAAAAA Match ID: UQknAyAAKAAA

• Moshe Tissona moves 6/off 1/off

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 6/off 1/off -0.905
  4.2% 0.0% 0.0% - 95.8% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 6/off 5/4 -0.960 ( -0.055)
  1.8% 0.0% 0.0% - 98.2% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 6/off 3/2 -0.966 ( -0.061)
  1.5% 0.0% 0.0% - 98.5% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 6/off 2/1 -0.966 ( -0.061)
  1.5% 0.0% 0.0% - 98.5% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 6/off -0.968 ( -0.063)
  1.4% 0.0% 0.0% - 98.6% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 51: Jon Royset to play 65

| ' ' ' ' ' ' '2X2X2X ' '|
|   |
|  65  |      |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   | '3O '3O2O2O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 24, Moshe Tissona 30

• Jon Royset moves 5/off(2)

# Ply Move Equity
1 0 5/off(2) +0.963
  98.4% 0.0% 0.0% - 1.6% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 52: Moshe Tissona to play 32

| ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '2X2X ' '|
|   |
|      |  32  |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   | '3O '3O2O2O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 14, Moshe Tissona 30

• Moshe Tissona moves 3/off 2/off

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 3/off 2/off -0.984
  0.8% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.2% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 5/off -0.997 ( -0.014)
  0.1% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.9% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 3/1 3/off -0.998 ( -0.014)
  0.1% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.9% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 5/3 5/2 -0.998 ( -0.014)
  0.1% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.9% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 5/2 3/1 -0.998 ( -0.015)
  0.1% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.9% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 53: Jon Royset to play 61

| ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '2X2X ' '|
|   |
|  61  |      |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   | '3O '2O1O2O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 14, Moshe Tissona 25

• Jon Royset moves 4/off 3/2

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 4/off 3/2 +0.978
  98.9% 0.0% 0.0% - 1.1% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 4/3 4/off +0.961 ( -0.016)
  98.1% 0.0% 0.0% - 1.9% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 54: Moshe Tissona to play 21

| ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '1X1X1X '|
|   |
|      |  21  |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   | '3O '2O1O2O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 9, Moshe Tissona 25

• Moshe Tissona moves 2/off 1/off

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 2/off 1/off -0.993
  0.4% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.6% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 3/1 2/1 -0.999 ( -0.006)
  0.1% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.9% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 3/off -0.999 ( -0.006)
  0.1% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.9% 0.0% 0.0%  
  4 2 5/3 1/off -0.999 ( -0.007)
  0.1% 0.0% 0.0% - 99.9% 0.0% 0.0%  
  5 2 5/4 3/1 -0.999 ( -0.007)
  0.0% 0.0% 0.0% - 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%  

Move number 55: Jon Royset to play 51

| ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '1X1X1X '|
|   |
|  51  |      |
| ' ' ' ' ' '|   | '3O '2O '1O|

Pip counts: Jon Royset 9, Moshe Tissona 22

• Jon Royset moves 4/off 2/1

# Ply Move Equity
1 2 4/off 2/1 +0.991
  99.6% 0.0% 0.0% - 0.4% 0.0% 0.0%  
  2 2 4/off 3/2 +0.957 ( -0.034)
  97.9% 0.0% 0.0% - 2.1% 0.0% 0.0%  
  3 2 4/off +0.953 ( -0.039)
  97.7% 0.0% 0.0% - 2.3% 0.0% 0.0%  

Casper van der Tak: Tissona leads 5-4 to 25. Both players seem settled and are so far playing a high level match. Both have made some minor mistakes and a few somewhat bigger ones, but no real blunders yet. It is not yet possible to say who will emerge as favorite.

Jon Royset wins 1 point


Game statistics for game 7
PlayerJon RoysetMoshe Tissona
Checker play statistics
Total moves 27 27
Unforced moves 25 26
Moves marked very good 0 0
Moves marked good 0 0
Moves marked interesting 0 0
Moves unmarked 24 24
Moves marked doubtful 2 3
Moves marked bad 1 0
Moves marked very bad 0 0
Error rate (total) -0.178 ( -0.993%) -0.181 ( -0.975%)
Error rate (pr. move) -0.007 ( -0.040% ) -0.007 ( -0.038%)
Chequer play rating Expert Expert
Luck statistics
Rolls marked very lucky 0 0
Rolls marked lucky 2 1
Rolls unmarked 25 26
Rolls marked unlucky 0 0
Rolls marked very unlucky 0 0
Luck rate (total) +1.370 ( +7.473%) +0.139 ( +0.145%)
Luck rate (pr. move) +0.051 ( +0.277%) +0.005 ( +0.005%)
Luck rating Good dice, man! None
Cube statistics
Total cube decisions 6 27
Close or actual cube decisions 2 1
Doubles 1 0
Takes 0 1
Passes 0 0
Missed doubles around DP 0 0
Missed doubles around TG 0 0
Wrong doubles around DP 1 (-0.057 ( -0.190%)) 0
Wrong doubles around TG 0 0
Wrong takes 0 0
Wrong passes 0 0
Error rate (total) -0.057 ( -0.190%) 0
Error rate (per cube decision) -0.028 ( -0.095% ) 0
Cube decision rating Beginner Supernatural
Overall rating
Error rate (total) -0.234 ( -1.183%) -0.181 ( -0.975%)
Error rate (per decision) -0.009 ( -0.044% ) -0.007 ( -0.036%)
Equivalent Snowie error rate -4.3 -3.3
Overall rating Advanced Expert

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