Backgammon Books

Is There Life After Backgammon?

Danny Kleinman |
1997 (1983) |
Larry Strommen |
Los Angeles, CA |
Softcover, spiral-bound |
iv+149 |
28 cm high, 22 cm wide |
About the Author
Gabriel letter
Death, purgatory and hell
Hustler Harvey letter
Nickel Norma letter
John Maynard Abels letter
Arthur Chuckler letter
How to prosper in the coming
Engagement and disengagement
Caressable Karen letter
Captain Krieg letter
Stanley Silver letter
Five easy pieces
The better inside point
Sy Burnett letter
Gammon Starved letter
Reluctant Richard letter
The best back games
Both sides now
Looking ahead
Leo the Rusher letter
Ollie Autseid letter
Cooked Goose letter
Skinny Jones letter
Rachel Fox letter
Horrified Henry letter
Tommy Tortoise letter
Wanda Wildcube letter
Reflex Ralph letter
Solon Siegfried letter
Jangled Jean letter
Losing your market and free shakes
A quirky cube-turn
Mark Ettkipa letter
Humble Mary letter
Dave Dicewell letter
Doubting Thomas letter
Charlie Equity letter
Floyd's Theorems and the 1/3 expansion principle
Jack Tanner letter
Fashion Flossie letter (Antoinette G. Lonelyhearts reply)
Able Elba letter
Tris Kaidekaphobic letter
Lisa Lightningplay letter
Matty Magoo letter
Ken Camelot letter
Phil Fivesaver letter
Sylivia Slurd letter
Salvatore Sagittarious letter
The high five and strippage
Bearking your closed board
Lift or shift?
Three men back
Tennis Tim letter
Carrie Ingonn letter
Newsletter Problem #66 (Gammon's of Chicago)
Second Tommy Tiebreaker letter
Tom Tantalus letter
Taming the wild blitz
Match blitzes
Jeff Ward's The Doubling Cube (Volume 1)
There's a hole in the board
150 Roll-outs
Bobby Benchmark letter
Fourth Alfred Kleinword letter
Fifth Alfred Kleinword letter
Sixth Alfred Kleinword letter
Miracles and science
Seance 82
Sylvia chouette
Y. Lee Competitor letter (Portia Lonelytorts reply)
Constance Vigilance letter
The Wood B. Opportunist quiz
The beautiful woman syndrome
Hanky Panky & Associates presents
Phil Thieppen letter
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Backgammon: Costa Rica 1994
Final Match: Mike Senkiewicz vs. Mike Svobodny from the Third Tournament of the Americas
Antonio Ortega, Mario Madrigal, Danny Kleinman
1996: Editorama, San Jose, Costa Rica
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Vision Laughs at Counting, Volume 1
With Advice to the Dicelorn
Danny Kleinman
1996: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Vision Laughs at Counting, Volume 2
With Advice to the Dicelorn
Danny Kleinman
1996: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Meanwhile, Back at the Chouette
Danny Kleinman
1996: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Wonderful World of Backgammon
Danny Kleinman
1996: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Cubes and Gammons Near the End of a Match
Antonio Ortega, Danny Kleinman
1997: Editorama, San Jose, Costa Rica
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Jerry Grandell: His most important matches
Antonio Ortega, Danny Kleinman
1999: Editorama, S.A., San Jose, Costa Rica
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Double-Sixes from the Bar
Danny Kleinman
1999: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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How Can I Keep From Dancing
Danny Kleinman
1999: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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The Dice Conquer All
Danny Kleinman
1999: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Backgammon With the Giants: Neil Kazaross
Antonio Ortega, Danny Kleinman
2001: Editorama, S.A., San Jose, Costa Rica
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How Little We Know About Backgammon
Danny Kleinman
2001: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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The Other Side of Midnight
Danny Kleinman
2002: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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But Only the Hogs Win Backgammons
"The bulls sometimes win, and the bears sometimes win ..."
Danny Kleinman
2002: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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A Backgammon Book for Gabriel
Danny Kleinman
2003: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Long Road to Gammon
Danny Kleinman
2003: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA