Backgammon Books

Jerry Grandell: His most important matches

Antonio Ortega Danny Kleinman |
1999 |
Editorama, S.A. |
San Jose, Costa Rica |
9977-88-051-4 |
Softcover |
viii+214 |
28 cm high, 21 cm wide |

"This is a detailed analysis of three of Grandell's championship finals in recent years. Jellyfish is used extensively to analyse key positions and determine the error rates of the players. Playing through the matches of top players is an excellent way to improve and I would recommend this book for that purpose." Chris Bray, in What Colour is the Wind?

"This is a compilation of six matches. The first three matches are annotated in detail. In the last three matches only the major errors by the players are commented upon. Although the comments are mostly short, they are almost always correct. By replaying the matches and solving the problems, every backgammon player is able to learn a lot and gain insight in match play for sure. The book contains 272 problem positions! I recommend the book for good intermediate and championship players, but not for beginners, because for them the comments aren't detailed enough."Harald Johanni, Backgammon Magazin, December 1999

Match 1: Frederic Banjout vs Jerry Grandell Monte Carlo World Championship, July 1997, 25 point finals
Match 2: Mike Senkiewicz vs Jerry Grandell World's Giant Jackpot, Istanbul, January 1999, 25 point semifinals
Match 3: Nack Ballard vs Jerry Grandell World's Giant Jackpot, Istanbul, January 1999, 25 point quarterfinals
Appendix 1: Three Additional Matches
Match 4: Phillip Marmorstein vs Jerry Grandell
Match 5: Ray Glaeser vs Jerry Grandell
Match 6: Leonid Riskin vs Jerry Grandell
Appendix 2: Equities Near the End of a Match
During the last three years, Jerry Grandell of Sweden has enjoyed an astounding run of success. He won the Olympiad in Venice (1996), Istanbul (1997), Monte Carlo (1997), Dallas US Open (1998), and both of the biggest events in Istanbul, the World's Giant Jackpot and the World Cup Challenge (1999). So that players at all levels may study and learn from Grandell's play, we have compiled six of his most important matches. As an innovation, in every match we have counted the errors of each player, measured their magnitude and studied which kinds of errors are most typical.
Antonio Ortega, five-time national champion of Costa Rica, wrote the accliamed Fascinating Backgammon and is the main co-author of the much-praised books Costa Rica 1993, Costa Rica 1994 and Cubes and Gammons Near the End of the match.
Danny Kleinman, world-renowned analyst and backgammon theoretician, wrote the classic Vision Laughs at Counting and many other backgammon books.
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Fascinating Backgammon
50 Problems of match and money play
Antonio Ortega
1993: Editorama, San José, Costa Rica
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Backgammon: Costa Rica 1993
Final Match: Wilcox Snellings vs. Mike Senkiewicz plus other selected matches from the Second the Tournament of the Americas
Antonio Ortega, Max Esquivel, Mario Madrigal, Neil Kazaross
1994: Grupo Deyesa, S.A., San José, Costa Rica
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Backgammon: Costa Rica 1994
Final Match: Mike Senkiewicz vs. Mike Svobodny from the Third Tournament of the Americas
Antonio Ortega, Mario Madrigal, Danny Kleinman
1996: Editorama, San Jose, Costa Rica
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Vision Laughs at Counting, Volume 1
With Advice to the Dicelorn
Danny Kleinman
1996: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Vision Laughs at Counting, Volume 2
With Advice to the Dicelorn
Danny Kleinman
1996: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Meanwhile, Back at the Chouette
Danny Kleinman
1996: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Wonderful World of Backgammon
Danny Kleinman
1996: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Cubes and Gammons Near the End of a Match
Antonio Ortega, Danny Kleinman
1997: Editorama, San Jose, Costa Rica
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Is There Life After Backgammon?
Danny Kleinman
1997: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Double-Sixes from the Bar
Danny Kleinman
1999: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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How Can I Keep From Dancing
Danny Kleinman
1999: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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The Dice Conquer All
Danny Kleinman
1999: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Backgammon With the Giants: Neil Kazaross
Antonio Ortega, Danny Kleinman
2001: Editorama, S.A., San Jose, Costa Rica
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How Little We Know About Backgammon
Danny Kleinman
2001: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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The Other Side of Midnight
Danny Kleinman
2002: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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But Only the Hogs Win Backgammons
"The bulls sometimes win, and the bears sometimes win ..."
Danny Kleinman
2002: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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A Backgammon Book for Gabriel
Danny Kleinman
2003: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Long Road to Gammon
Danny Kleinman
2003: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA