Backgammon Books

Wonderful World of Backgammon

Danny Kleinman |
1996 (1981) |
Larry Strommen |
Los Angeles, CA |
Softcover, spiral-bound |
iv+136 |
28 cm high, 22 cm wide |
About the Author
Simon says
Honest Abe letter
Hustler Horton letter
Molly Holms letter
Morris (Mouse) Lazarus letter
Zeyda letter
Goodhands Horrorwitch letter
Variations in tempo
Alfred Kleinword letter
Rob Roy letter
Rosemarie Ruleseeker letter
Matthew Titian letter
Dave Diversify letter
Hungry Tiger letter
The third roll
Horace Gobowitz letter
Dan Sondebar letter
Albie Guided letter
Perry Preimacher letter
Sid Sisyphus letter
Rueful Ruth letter
Unlucky at Dice letter
Dennis Deucepoint letter
Ronald Runslow letter
Memphis Marie letter
Maharishi Mahesh David letter
Flexible Floyd Letter
Pips versus rolls
Cleo Sixpoint letter
Holes, rolls, and triroll-reductions
Slammin' Sammy Letter
Sarah Sylph letter
Ace Anamoulos letter
Hugh Kantel letter
A two-shake bear-off chart
Cautious Cora letter
Inching into take territory
Bill Barkis letter
Stuey Student letter
Mixed bear-offs
Lowrisk Leo letter
Careful Kalman letter
Moneygame Mort letter
Danny Decimal letter
Leon Longview letter
Gordon Gapcloser letter
Sharon Schattfierer letter
George von Write letter
The law of diminishing returns
The brink of gammon
Hanging from the cliffs of gammon
Duane Deuceroller letter
Paul Pipsaver letter
Percy Pipsaver letter
The price of backgammons
Fluctuations in the price of backgammons
Gnu Regretz letter
Abby Abelovich letter
Anyone for settlements?
Parviz Paradoxayan letter
Connie Sistant letter
The Wisecarver Criteria
Big Duck letter
The Wisecenter Paradox
Paul Perplexed letter
Playing off halves
The Captain's quandary
Havelock Hoftheker letter
Gabriel Gatecrasher letter
Patti Petite letter
Free, cheap, and final redoubles
The battle of anchorage
Rulings or rules?
Goliath letter
Victor von Krook Letter
Genial George letter
Teddy Pterodactyl letter
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Backgammon: Costa Rica 1994
Final Match: Mike Senkiewicz vs. Mike Svobodny from the Third Tournament of the Americas
Antonio Ortega, Mario Madrigal, Danny Kleinman
1996: Editorama, San Jose, Costa Rica
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Vision Laughs at Counting, Volume 1
With Advice to the Dicelorn
Danny Kleinman
1996: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Vision Laughs at Counting, Volume 2
With Advice to the Dicelorn
Danny Kleinman
1996: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Meanwhile, Back at the Chouette
Danny Kleinman
1996: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Cubes and Gammons Near the End of a Match
Antonio Ortega, Danny Kleinman
1997: Editorama, San Jose, Costa Rica
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Is There Life After Backgammon?
Danny Kleinman
1997: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Jerry Grandell: His most important matches
Antonio Ortega, Danny Kleinman
1999: Editorama, S.A., San Jose, Costa Rica
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Double-Sixes from the Bar
Danny Kleinman
1999: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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How Can I Keep From Dancing
Danny Kleinman
1999: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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The Dice Conquer All
Danny Kleinman
1999: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Backgammon With the Giants: Neil Kazaross
Antonio Ortega, Danny Kleinman
2001: Editorama, S.A., San Jose, Costa Rica
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How Little We Know About Backgammon
Danny Kleinman
2001: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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The Other Side of Midnight
Danny Kleinman
2002: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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But Only the Hogs Win Backgammons
"The bulls sometimes win, and the bears sometimes win ..."
Danny Kleinman
2002: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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A Backgammon Book for Gabriel
Danny Kleinman
2003: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA
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Long Road to Gammon
Danny Kleinman
2003: Larry Strommen, Los Angeles, CA