
Forum Archive : Propositions

Opening 11 vs. Owning the cube

From:   Bob Ebbeler
Date:   20 August 1999
Subject:   Re: Double on double 1 ?
Google:   NCov3.441$dO3.8557@news4.mia

> If you throw a double one and take the 5 and the 7 point you are
> (1) Blocking your opponent (2) 2 points away from setting a prime
> (3) giving yourself good time to create a hard anchor (4) giving
> youself a good block to help move down pieces from the 13 point.
> You are at a clear advantage in the game.
> It is my *tactical* decision to double. Please advise me if this is
> the ramblings of a misguided idiot.

One of my earliest, expensive lessons was over the issue you raised. I
wound up playing a proposition with another player wherein I started with
1-1 and he had the doubling cube on his side at 2. This was, and probably
still is, a time honored proposition and I will, hopefully, save you the
expense of learning the lesson I learned.

The guy who has the cube CRUSHES the guy who starts with 1-1.


Paul Tanenbaum  writes:

<sigh> Bob, a backgammon hustler you aren't.  The idea is to recoup
the cost of your lesson at somebody else's expense.

    What was the equity for the cube-holder (assume at the 2-level)?

    Presumably you played it {6/5(2), 8/7(2)}.  However, I don't like
giving the indirect shot at the blot, so I would try {6/5(3), 24/23}.
Has this alternative been rolled out?   Probably not enough to make a
difference in the prop, though.

Daniel Murphy  writes:

This proposition illustrates the value of cube possession.  Early
double aces is usually a fine number, and played 8/7(2) 6/5(2) on the
very first roll of the game is enough to make you a 55-60% favorite
straight off, but you forfeit your entire advantage if you have to
give your opponent the cube before you move!

I read "CRUSHES" to mean "solid favorite," and like Bob's hustler, I'd
also happily let my opponent start with 11 in exchange for cube

A too-quick JF level 5 rollout (1296 rollouts, .550 settlement,
0.029-0.038 standard deviation) makes the player with 11 a 56%
favorite cubeless, but a 46% underdog if his opponent has the cube. In
this rollout, JF still thinks the player with 11 has an 0.072 equity
edge, but I think the rollout gives way too little credit to
opponent's redoubling and gammon chances.

I undaringly predict that 6/5(2) 8/7(2) "crushes" all alternatives in
rollouts, and that 6/5(2) 24/22 does better than 6/5(3) 24/23.

(In a real game, don't be afraid to split to the 22 point with 11 if
6/5(2) 8/7(2) would leave a _direct_ shot at the blot on the 8 point.
And, in a real game, be very wary of moving your last spare checker
from the 6 point to the 5 point. More often than not, that one little
move will come back to haunt you before the game is through.)
Did you find the information in this article useful?          

Do you have any comments you'd like to add?     



Choose roll vs. double roll  (Larry Deckel, Jan 1997) 
Choose roll vs. double-roll  (Rafy Marootians+, Mar 1994) 
Eight checkers vs. fifteen  (Raccoon, Feb 2006) 
Fifteen on the bar  (Pete+, Nov 2002) 
Monte Carlo 1998  (Daniel Murphy, Feb 2006)  [GammOnLine forum]
No ones  (Murat Kalinyaprak, Oct 2002) 
Opening 11 vs. Owning the cube  (Bob Ebbeler+, Aug 1999) 
Tino Road Position  (Arthur+, Apr 2005) 
Up in the air  (Daniel Murphy, Feb 2006)  [GammOnLine forum]

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