The days when backgammon column appears in the daily or even weekly
newspaper are gone. Information your request now can be found in
newsletters. Below is a list of available newsletters.
Major Backgammon Publications and Magazines. May 1993
To receive a sample of the newsletters, send your name and address
to the addresses below. Mark "I do not get enough Backgammon" on
your request.
If you want your backgammon publication listed here, please send
all the information to me either at the Hoosier Backgammon Club
address below or email to
Anchors: Newsletter of the New England Backgammon Club
Monthly except July, usually 8 pages, two devoted to local news
with remaining to analytical material and backgammon related
stories with minimal advertising.
Subscription: USA/Canada/Mexico: $15/year.
Overseas: $25/year (check drawn on U.S. bank).
Contact: NEBC
c/o Sheraton-Commander Hotel
16 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138-3609
Chicago Point Newsletter - A Prime Source of Backgammon Information
Monthly newsletter, 10 pages:
Subscription: USA/Canada/Mexico: $25/year.
Overseas: $35/year airmail in USD check drawn on
U.S. bank.
Contact: ChicagoPoint
Bill Davis, Editor
2726 West Lunt Avenue
Chicago, IL 60645
Flint Area BackgammoNews
Monthly newsletter, 10 pages: Problem analysis, book and software
reviews, tournament schedules and complete results, local, national
and international backgammon news and views. Full page catalog of
backgammon merchandise.
Subscription: USA/Canada/Mexico: $20/year or $200 lifetime.
Overseas: $25/year or $250 lifetime subscription.
Contact: Carol Joy Cole, Editor
3003 Ridgecliffe Drive
Flint, Michigan 48532-3730 USA
Phone/Fax: 313-232-9731.
Hoosier Backgammon Club Newsletter
Bi-monthly, 8 pages: Articles/problems plus very issue
non-annotated matches of todays best players.
Subscription: USA: $10/years Canada/Mexico: $12/year.
Overseas: $14/year (cash or check drawn on US bank.)
Contact: Butch & Mary Ann Meese
Hoosier Backgammon Club
7620 Kilmer Lane
Indianapolis, IN 46256 USA
Inside Backgammon
Bi-money, 24 pages: Technical magazine with quizzes, articles and
annotated matches by the best backgammon player today.
Subscription: USA: $40/years
Canada/Mexico and oversea ground: $45/year.
Overseas airmail: $60/year (US funds).
P. O. Box 294
Arlington, MA 02174 USA