I e-mailed this list of BG-articles to a friend and thought that mayby
someone else would also like to get it. If you know any other articles,
please add those to this list. Btw if anyone has this Levner's article I
would very much like to get it !
David Levner: "is Brute Force Backgammon Possible ?", SIGART newsletter No.
58, June 1976
Hans Berliner: "Computer Backgammon", Scientific American 243:1, 64-72
G. Tesauro: "Neurogammon wins Computer Olympiad.", Neural computation 1,
321-323 (1989)
G.Tesauro, T.J.Sejnowski: "A parallel network that learns to play
Backgammon", Artificial intelligence 39 (1989) 357-390
N. Zadeh and G.Kobliska: "On optimal doubling in backgammon" , Management
science 23, 853-858 (1977)
E.B. Keeler, J. Spencer: "Optimal doubling in Backgammon", Operations
research Vol. 23 No. 6, November-December 1975
Hans Berliner: "Backgammon computer program beats world champion",
Artificial intelligence 14 (1980), 205-220