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Opening Rolls
Opening 62: Could running be best?
Midas wrote:
> For those of you interested I've rolled out all the opening moves top
> contenders. Trials 1296 Standard Deviations 0.008. I'm not sure of the
> statistical relevance of the data with this S.D. but they,re here for
> your perusal.
Thanks for that article. One thing surprises me a bit though, in the
results for 62:
> Top moves marked with *
> Dice Move Move L7 EV L6 Roll
> 62 24/18 13/11 +.010 +.006
> 62* 24/16 -.003 +.008
> 62 13/5 -.020 -.015
> 62 24/18 24/22 -.041 -.042
Why on earth is JF so eager to play 24/16 (and similar results running to
the outfield on 63 and 64)? It even ranks it better than 24/18 13/11
(though admittedly the distinction is lost in the statistical noise).
The way I see it:
Advantages of 24/18 13/11:
* 24/18 leaves the back men in communication (16 return shots on the
bar point; only 4 on the 9 point).
* Even if the blot on the 9 point is missed after 24/16, you'll be
scrambling to safety it next roll, reducing your mobility.
* 24/18 leaves good chances of anchoring on the opponent's bar point;
24/16 gives up anchoring for now.
* 24/18 13/11 gives a spare builder for the 5 point; 24/16 doesn't put a
man anywhere useful (what's the use of being on your opponent's 9
* 24/18 gives better outfield coverage; it protects against the opponent
bringing builders to his 9, 10 or 11 points (24/16 only protects the
10 and 11 points)
Advantage of 24/16:
* Only gives your opponent 14 shots at your blot on his 9 point (2 of his
rolls make the 9 point), instead of 26 shots on the bar point (6 make
Are the reduced shots on the runner really worth giving up all the
advantages of 24/18 13/11? Let's see what the outcomes of the next two
rolls are:
24/16 24/18
Blot hit, return hit (best) 48 320
Blot missed (good) 792 360
Blot hit, no return hit (bad) 384 400
Blot pointed on (worst) 72 216
---- ----
1296 1296
Hard to say whether the chance of hitting back with 24/18 is worth the risk
of him making his bar point on your head. There's no doubt that 24/18
increases the complexity of the game, which must make it a better choice
against a weaker player. I'd tend to play 24/18 anyway, and it puzzles me
that Jellyfish favours 24/16 in the rollouts. Does it see something there
I'm missing? What do other humans think?
Gary (GaryW on FIBS).
Opening Rolls
- At different match scores (Louis Nardy Pillards, July 2002)
- Average advantage of winning opening roll (Chuck Bower, Oct 1998)
- Choosing a strategy (Daniel Murphy, June 2001)
- Early game rule of thumb (Rich Munitz, Feb 2009)
- Factors to consider (Kit Woolsey, July 1994)
- How computers play (Kit Woolsey, Mar 1995)
- Magriel's Chapter 5 (Hayden Alfano+, May 2006)
- Mloner vs Jellyfish (Kit Woolsey, Dec 1995)
- Nactating a whole game (Nack Ballard+, Jan 2011)
- Nactation (Jim Stutz+, June 2010)
- Nactation overview (Nack Ballard, Oct 2009)
- Nactation--Why use it? (leobueno+, Jan 2011)
- Opening 1's: Split or slot? (Douglas Zare, Dec 2003)
- Opening 21: Rollout (Stick, Mar 2006)
- Opening 21: Split or slot? (Dick Adams+, Dec 2003)
- Opening 32: Rollout (Stick, Feb 2006)
- Opening 43: In GOL online match (Raccoon+, Feb 2004)
- Opening 43: Pros and cons (Stick+, Jan 2006)
- Opening 43: Which split is better? (Peter Backgren+, Aug 2000)
- Opening 43: Which split is better? (Michael J. Zehr+, Mar 1996)
- Opening 51: Rollout (Stick, Feb 2006)
- Opening 52: Merits of splitting (Peter Bell, Apr 1995)
- Opening 53: Magriel's recommendation (George Parker+, July 1997)
- Opening 53: Split to 21? (Alex Zamanian, Aug 2000)
- Opening 53: Why make the three point? (Kit Woolsey+, Feb 1996)
- Opening 6's: Slot the bar point? (Chuck Bower+, Feb 2000)
- Opening 6's: Slot the bar point? (David Montgomery, June 1995)
- Opening 62: Could running be best? (Gary Wong, Sept 1997)
- Opening 62: Split, run, or slot? (Chuck Bower, May 1997)
- Opening 63: Middle Eastern split? (Mark+, Apr 2002)
- Opening 63: Slot the four point? (Dennis Cartwright+, Mar 2002)
- Opening 64: Make the two point? (William Hill+, Jan 1998)
- Opening 64: Make the two point? (Darse Billings, Feb 1995)
- Opening 64: Rollout (Peter Grotrian, Jan 2006)
- Opening 64: Split to 20? (Peter Bell, June 1995)
- Opening 64: Three choices (Brian Sheppard, July 1997)
- Opening 65: Becker on lover's leap (Jeffrey Spiegler+, Aug 1991)
- Opening 65: Computer rankings (Chuck Bower, Jan 1997)
- Opening rolls ranked (Arthur+, Apr 2005)
- Rollouts of opening 21 and replies (Alexander Nitschke, Oct 1997)
- Rollouts of openings (Tom Keith+, Jan 2006)
- Rollouts: Expert Backgammon (Tom Fahland, Aug 1994)
- Rollouts: Jellyfish 3.0 (Midas+, Sept 1997)
- Rollouts: Jellyfish 3.0 level 6 (Chuck Bower, Feb 1999)
- Rollouts: Snowie 4.1 (Rene Cerutti, Apr 2004)
- Slotting the four point (Joe Loria+, Oct 1999)
- Snowie's openers and replies (rcerutti, Feb 1999)
- Splitting versus building (Dave Slayton+, Aug 2000)
- Splitting versus slotting (Daniel Murphy, Apr 2001)
- Splitting versus slotting (Daniel Murphy, Sept 1997)
- Trice's rankings (Marty Storer, Feb 1992)
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