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Player A and B begin a match, each with one white and one black die. (I
know, you can already see this one coming. ;-) Player A wins the opening
roll and makes his play. Player B, who usually plays with a clock, picks
up both dice and drops them in his cup. Player A requests his die back.
Player B apologizes and tosses out a white die, which Player A drops in
his cup. Player B then rolls -- two black dice.
Ruling #1: Does the roll stand?
Ruling #2: Do the players continue with the matching dice, swap one, or
mix all four dice and re-select?
Tom Keith writes:
I think a strict reading of the rules suggests the roll should not stand
-- you have to roll your own dice.
Daniel writes:
I'd rule that the roll counts (we assume any 2 of the 4 dice give a fair
roll, and the time for Player A to object to the roll because one of the
dice was his was before the roll, not after), and have the players
exchange a black for a white, or remix all four dice.
Barry Murphy writes:
With the assumption that all four dice are valid dice, then I say let
the roll stand. It's a random number just as good as any other.
Ilia Guzei writes:
As soon as player A accepted his die (even of a wrong color) each player
has "his" dice, so when player B rolls he rolls "his" dice, not his
Neil Kazaross writes:
I would apply my best common sence and fairness.
1) The roll stands and 2) the players can then re-choose amoung the 4
dice if they wish after this roll.
TarHeelFan writes:
Thanks for all the replies. There was no gamesmanship involved. The
players asked for a ruling because they didn't know how the situation
should be handled in a "real" tourney -- this was at a weekly club
meeting. Also, the number rolled swung a lot of equity.
I had left the meeting early, and made my ruling by cell phone while
driving down I-485. Without knowing the roll or situation, I ruled the
roll stands and they can finish the game/match with whatever dice they
Chuck Bower writes:
I agree the roll should stand. Why should a legal dice roll ever be
allowed to be negated by either player? This seems to make room for
"taking a shot" as Kit calls it -- accepting or rejecting the roll after
seeing the dice. If the question is "is rolling a die which wasn't yours
at the beginning of the game part of a legal roll?", the fact that
answering yes prevents such a shot seems reason enough.
As a general comment, I think it's worth emphasizing that many
backgammon players (including tournament players) are superstitious. To
say "it doesn't matter whose dice were whose" only makes sense to the
- Checker knocked off bar (Chuck Bower+, Sept 2003)
- Clock rules and gin positions (Chris Yep+, Dec 2007)
- Clock rules end of turn (Jason Lee+, Dec 2007)
- Cocked dice (Rodney Lighton+, July 2012)
- Cocked dice (Ed Rosenblum+, Dec 2009)
- Cocked dice (Chuck Bower+, July 2003)
- Cocked die on first roll (Cloyd Laporte+, Nov 2006)
- Crawford game double (Øystein Johansen+, June 2004)
- Crawford game double (Joe+, May 2004)
- Crawford game double (Raccoon+, Sept 2003)
- Crawford game double (Claes Thornberg+, Apr 1998)
- Dice sliding (Chris Yep+, Dec 2007)
- Disagreement on final cube (Chuck Bower+, May 2004)
- Disagreement over cocked dice (DeaconBlue+, May 2005)
- Disputed roll (Roland Scheicher+, Mar 2004)
- Disputed roll (Chuck Bower+, Mar 2000)
- Doubling to wrong value (Stein Kulseth+, Nov 1998)
- Equipment changes (Jason Lee+, Feb 2004)
- Error in setup (Stick+, Dec 2007)
- Incorrect setup (Ken+, Mar 2004)
- Kibitzing (Ilia Guzei+, Feb 2006)
- Misplaced cube (Ned Cross+, Mar 2004)
- Misplacing a checker off the board (Sam Pottle+, Apr 2006)
- Misplacing a checker on the bar (Jeb Horton, Dec 2002)
- Moving checkers before you roll (Gregg Cattanach+, Mar 2006)
- Moving with two hands (Jason Lee+, Jan 2011)
- Opening roll loser picks up his die (Chuck Bower+, Oct 2007)
- Playing to wrong match length (Klaus Evers+, Jan 2006)
- Playing to wrong match length (Marty Storer+, Mar 2005)
- Playing to wrong match length (Steve Mellen, Feb 1998)
- Playing wrong opponent (Hank Youngerman+, Oct 2005)
- Premature actions (Raccoon+, Feb 2008)
- Premature roll (Chris Yep+, Dec 2007)
- Repositioning dice without notice (Chuck Bower+, Oct 2007)
- Rerolling cocked dice too quickly (Raccoon+, Nov 2006)
- Rolling 2 dice instead of 1 to start (Bob Koca+, Oct 2007)
- Rolling when opponent is closed out (Raccoon+, Nov 2006)
- Rolling wrong dice (TarHeelFan+, Sept 2005)
- Taking photos of positions (Stick+, Dec 2007)
- Touching the doubling cube (Ken Bame+, Nov 2006)
- Touching the doubling cube (Chuck Bower+, Apr 1998)
- Two cubes on the board (Jason Lee+, July 2005)
- Video dispute resolution (Jason Lee+, Feb 2006)
- When are the dice "up"? (Ilia Guzei+, Feb 2006)
- Writing down positions (Klaus Evers+, Jan 2006)
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